Love To Bake Kiymale Pide @ Turkish Minced Nub Pita

Pita equally known past times many  is equally circular apartment breadstuff amongst a bag inside.

But inward Turkey, the local pita known equally 'pide', is a pizza similar nutrient amongst toppings.One tin piece of occupation Turkish current of air dried beef, Turkish sausages, chicken, minced beef or lamb, cheese, potatoes together with many other ingredients.

I made this equally presently equally I saw the recipe because I convey all the ingredients at the 2nd inward the fridge. If I waited whatsoever longer, the parsley together with everything  may convey spoiled. So, I must produce it ASAP! But  most of all, it seemed easy.

I kneaded the dough together with and then permit it rising piece the meat thaws..... Everything went smooth.
When it came out of the oven... it looked sooooo pretty. I sprinkled to a greater extent than parsley together with paprika over together with snapped the pics.

One seize amongst teeth into it together with I'm inward heaven. I loved this to a greater extent than than borek. I was therefore tempted to complete it up, together with instruct out none for the man, hahaha! The crust is crispy together with non heavy. The herbed beef minced was great.

Regret! Regret! I Regret!
I should bake 2 of these adjacent time.

When married adult man came abode later work, the pide was cold, but the crust isn't chewy similar a mutual frigidity pizza. It only turned softer.

Turkish Minced Meat Pita
Adapted from Fahriye together with Anne

Pide dough
125gm flour
20gm H2O +1/2 tsp instant yeast
20gm natural yogurt
20gm milk
1/4 tsp salt
1tsp sugar
1 Tbsp olive oil

100gm minced beef
1 tomato, seeds removed, diced
2 Tbsp onion
2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 egg
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp Salt
Black pepper to taste

1. Dissolve yeast amongst water. Combine all  the dough ingredients together with knead for 2 minutes past times hand. Leave to proof (covered) for 2 hours.
2. 30minutes earlier the dough has finished proofing, combine filling ingredients together (except egg) together with permit it  sit on a colander therefore that excess  water volition drip away.
3. Preheat oven at 180(fan)/200C.
4. Roll the dough into a longish oval, 5mm thick. Put the dough onto a  piece of non stick baking  paper on a night coloured baking tray. Put fillings onto the dough leaving 1 inch border. Fold the sides in, pinch the ends together. Crack the egg in, interruption it if yous like, but I similar the yolk whole.
5. Bake for xxx minutes or until the crust is golden. Brush the crust amongst olive stone oil together with serve.

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest West Asia Month
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