Love To Bake Petaling Street Lohanguo Longan Drinkable Copycat- Kl Sel Mff #3

Those who frequent Petaling Street would've seen this busy stall at the junction alongside a lot of people standing all roughly waiting for a small-scale stainless steel bow (how it looked similar inwards the olden days). What is inwards that bowl that could brand people stand upwards together with hold back for their plough alongside no complains.... it's but a herbal drink. Read here

What's thus exceptional nearly this herbal drink? It seems mutual to choose wintermelon, longan together with lohanguo equally a drink, so?

It's because it tin plough over y'all the oohs together with the ahhs. Before y'all oooh together with ahhh, together with if it's your foremost fourth dimension to choose it, y'all may squint a flake at your foremost spoonful. It's utterly sweet! But equally y'all gulp on.... it feels smoothen together with satisfying, doesn't sense of savour similar the norm. It but doesn't! It totally shouts "KAW!" that agency concentrated inwards local lingo.

Usually dried longan afterwards beingness boiled inwards a gulp volition sense of savour bland...but the ane at Petaling Street is even thus equally sweetness equally ever. And the amount of H2O ice inwards the gulp tin plough over y'all encephalon freeze! Shiok!

The ingredients are no secret. They are all displayed at that topographic point at the stall equally it's mutual stuff, but the surreptitious lies inwards the ratio of ingredients. I didn't dig them for this recipe, but I happened to recreate something similar past times accident 10 years ago. I idea of making some herbal gulp saccharide cubes together with gave upwards on reducing it to a paste. And left it inwards the watery but concentrated state. And together with thus I flora that it tasted similar the ane inwards Petaling Street. Talk nearly hitting jackpot!

But I recall electrical current years they choose changed the type of longan used. Back inwards those days, it was dark together with flatten out, but straight off they are pale together with plump. I even thus prefer the night together with apartment ones.

You tin opt together with become far alongside less stone sugar, but together with thus y'all volition lose the essence of this drink. That is the longans won't survive equally sweetness together with tasty. Use the H2O ice to dilute the gulp at the end, non dilute the gulp inwards the beginning. Use it similar how y'all would locomote cordial. That's how concentrated it should be. 

Petaling Street Longan Drink Copycat Recipe
past times WendyinKK 
Servings: 10-12 rice bowls, when prepared alongside ice

300gm wintermelon
300gm stone sugar
three lohanguo
100gm night longan flesh
2L water

1. Scrub the peel of the wintermelon together with discard the seeds. Cut the wintermelon into large chunks, peel on.
2. Bring to a boil alongside H2O together with lower to a simmer for two hours, lid on.
3. Place lohanguo inwards betwixt your palms together with fissure them. Put them into the pot together alongside stone saccharide together with simmer for some other hour.
4. Strain the infusion, y'all should choose roughly 1L, non likewise much. Put inwards night longan flesh together with simmer for 10 minutes, plough off the heat.
5. Let it cool totally. (no demand to chill, if it's on the same day)
6. Take a FULL bowl of H2O ice cubes, together with thus spoon some of the cooled longan infusion over, permit it melt for v minutes together with piece of cake bask it. Enjoy!

*You tin house the strained remnants dorsum into a empty pot, set inwards 1 or two L of H2O together with convey it dorsum to a boil., It even thus has a lot of flavour, but non equally concentrated. Waste non :)

melted at the destination of the shooting.... but correct for me to gulp correct now

I'm submitting this postal service to Malaysian Food Fest KL Selangor Month hosted past times Shannon of Just equally Delish
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