Love To Bake 'Pineapple Upside-Down Cake' Inspired Mini Cupcakes Amongst Kokosnoot Milk Reduction Vanilla Frosting

I've been to dreamy mini-cupcake sky as well as dorsum today making these. Ever since I was little, my all-time favorite cake has been Pineapple Upside Down Cake. I intend I tin pinpoint this dear of mine to pure nostalgia.

When my line of piece of occupation solid unit of measurement was however pretty young, we'd claw upward our boat (which seemed completely humongous to us 3-12 yr olds at the time) as well as brand the long trip to beautiful Lake Powell. My Mom fed us almost every black from the dutch oven - including dessert. It was as well as so was when I was introduced to Pineapple Upside Cake for the start time. The fluffy as well as moist xanthous cake smothered amongst chocolate-brown sugar-soaked warm pineapple as well as maraschino cherries melted inwards my mouth. Since then, no other cake tin come upward inwards at a closed 2d inwards my eyes.

Tonight the ladies are having a niggling get-together, as well as receive got been asked to convey cupcakes! I, of course, went conduct to the shop to purchase the never-failing Pineapple Supreme Pillsbury cake mix. I was surprised to non come across it anywhere on the shelves. I was so confused. How could they receive got box later on box of carrot cake mix, as well as NO pineapple? Cue the panic session.

If you're however non convinced of my diehard dear of this cake, allow me say yous how the balance of the morn went down: I drove to iii other local grocery stores to respect this cake mix (only to last stabbed past times the shelves loaded neatly amongst ANY other cake mix imaginable... but no describe of Pineapple Supreme). At the final store, I called it quits, as well as left amongst xanthous cake mix. Apparently my fetish wasn't worth majority production of Pineapple Supreme cake mix, or mayhap everyone knows how awesome it is, as well as bought out all the 4 stores I visited. Not likely, but I'm praying that's the reason.

I know pineapple upside-down cake isn't typically served correct side upward (hence the name), or seat frosting on it (hence the name, again) but I wanted to create something different. So I broke both the aforementioned rules. And I intend it was a tasty success. I can't await to accept them to the girls tonight!


'Pineapple Upside-Down Cake' Inspired Mini Cupcakes
with Reduced Coconut Milk Vanilla Frosting

1 box xanthous cake mix (I prefer Pillsbury Super Moist - the pudding inwards the mix is to buy the farm for)
3 eggs (according to whatever box mix yous buy)
1/3 loving cup oil ''
1 jounce maraschino cherries, sliced inwards half
1 tin crushed pineapple
about a one-half loving cup of chocolate-brown sugar
about a one-half loving cup of butter

1 loving cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/3 loving cup reduced kokosnoot milk (I industrial plant life it inwards the Latino section), room temperature
Seeds scraped from 1 dissever vanilla edible bean or 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 cups sweetened flaked coconut, lightly toasted (for garnish)

For reduced kokosnoot milk:
Bring kokosnoot milk to boil inwards large deep saucepan over medium-high rut (coconut milk volition boil upward high inwards pan). Reduce rut to medium-low; boil until reduced to 1 1/2 cups, stirring occasionally, 25 to xxx minutes. Remove from heat; cool completely. Transfer to modest bowl. Cover; chill (coconut milk volition settle slightly equally it cools). DO AHEAD: Can last made ii days ahead. Keep chilled. 

For cake:
Preheat oven to 350 (I did 325 because I was using a non-stick black sheet). In a mixing bowl, add together cake mix, eggs, oil, as well as pineapple juice (from your crushed pineapple - I had almost a cup) as well as mix until at that topographic point aren't whatsoever niggling pockets of powdery mix. Add your mini cupcake liners to your mini cupcake pan. In the bottom of each niggling cup, add together a teeny combat of butter, as well as chocolate-brown sugar. Add i cherry to each cup, as well as so add together a niggling pineapple. Coat the pineapple as well as cherry amongst plenty cake mix to barely cover*. I receive got 12 cupcakes to a pan, so I exclusively seat them inwards the oven for 10 minutes. Let them cool, as well as frost!

For frosting:
(adapted from
Using electrical mixer, vanquish butter inwards large bowl until smooth. Add sugar, 1/3 loving cup reduced kokosnoot milk, seeds from vanilla bean, as well as salt. Beat on medium-low speed until blended, scraping downwards sides of bowl. Increase to medium-high as well as vanquish until calorie-free as well as fluffy. Using pastry handbag fitted amongst large star tip, piping frosting onto cooled cupcakes. (Alternatively, operate past times each cupcake amongst ii tablespoons frosting. Using modest offset spatula, swirl frosting over operate past times of cupcakes, leaving 1/2-inch plainly border.) Sprinkle amongst coconut. DO AHEAD: Can last made 1 twenty-four hours ahead. Store inwards airtight containers; chill. Bring to room temperature earlier serving. 

*Alright - it's really very really of import to non overfill these things. With everything inwards the cup, yous should last close 1/2 at least, or 3/4 at most full.

My recipe is beingness featured!
Thank you!
Linked upward here. 
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