Love To Bake Sambal Bongkot Bali - Indonesia Aff #2

Bongkot is Balinese for torch ginger or what nosotros know every bit bunga kantan locally.

Sambal Bongkot is a especial sambal from Bali that uses the shoot of the torch ginger, yes the shoot. Now, that is something that isn 't easily available inward Malaysia, non inward the market, whatever marketplace for sure. The buds are easy, exactly non the shoots. Unless y'all direct keep access to the plants

In Malaysia nosotros purpose torch ginger bud to attain assam laksa together with asam pedas fish. I used to hollo upwardly that the bloom is non 'edible', every bit inward 'swallow-able', exactly when I saw my ex colleague eating 2 buds inward a row inward her assam laksa, I knew it tin live on swallowed. Some things are meant to flavour together with flavor together with non everything is edible.

When I saw this recipe, I was delighted that I would live on able to endeavour it. My neighbor has torch ginger inward his garden together with I could inquire for to a greater extent than or less shoots. My neighbor was together with hence surprised nearly my request, together with asked me if I wanted the stem of the flower, no I said the shoot. He told me, he didn't know that it tin live on eaten.

He was overnice together with gave me 2 shoot together with 2 buds. According to his wife, I should direct keep the opened bud. It is withal edible because it hasn't fully bloomed. But since it's together with hence pretty beingness halfway bloomed... I dropped yesteryear the moisture marketplace when I went to selection upwardly my girls from kindergarden. I bought a ruby torch ginger bud together with it looks magnificent inward the sambal. I saved the one-half opened buds every bit decoration... Aren't they pretty?

The sambal was quick to attain together with prepare. The solely matter is y'all must know how to spell the torch ginger shoot. Remove the greenish parts yesteryear peeling together with spell the white parts. When y'all foremost to run across fibres coming off, it's fourth dimension to tegument the outer layer together with choke on on slicing together with peeling until y'all complete the whole thing.

I honey the sense of savour exactly every bit ever my hubby is a chip reserved nearly it since it's made amongst aromatics. Something unlike together with especial for me.

the sliced bongkot oxidizes quite quickly, together with hence function swiftly :)

Sambal Bongkot Bali
Recipe source: Asian Food Fest Republic of Indonesia Month

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