Salt-Crusted Beef Tenderloin – No Lomo

I received a nutrient want for lomo al trapo a spell back, which I learned is a Colombian method for cooking beef tenderloin. The meat is encased inwards salt, wrapped inwards a kitchen towel, as well as and thence assault transcend of hot coals. 

Crediting the intense heat, as well as tabular array salt crust, aficionados of this Colombian technique nation it produces the juiciest, most flavorful beef tenderloin you’ve ever had.

It actually sounded amazing, as well as I wanted to endeavor it, only realized many of y'all would accept problem explaining why y'all were destroying a perfectly skilful kitchen towel inwards the process. So, I decided to endeavor a towel-free tabular array salt crust technique I’d used successfully on prime number rib before, as well as despite some kid aesthetic issues, it worked amazingly well.

Beef tenderloin is a lean cutting of meat, which tin can brand for a fairly wearisome roast, only that was non the illustration here. The tenderloin took on an intensely beefy flavor, as well as was thence juicy that I idea something was wrong.  There was thence much on the cutting board, I was afraid in that place wouldn’t last whatever left inwards the meat, only I’m happy to study every unmarried seize alongside teeth was dripping alongside moisture.

Maybe this summer, when the grill is fired up, as well as I accept i likewise many kitchen towels around, I’ll endeavor the existent lomo al trapo technique, only inwards the meantime I was thrilled alongside how this came out, as well as actually promise y'all plow over it a endeavor soon. Stay tuned for the béarnaise sauce video, as well as equally always, enjoy!

Ingredients for iv portions:
2 pound center-cut beef tenderloin roast
1 garlic clove crushed
2 teaspoons freshly pose down dark pepper
1 egg white
about three cups coarse-ground ocean salt
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