Love To Bake Beef Rendang - Beef Calendar Week # 2

Dish done inwards March 2011

There are many versions of beef rendang. Somehow, I accept a for sure fondness for the ane that is made with  local ingredients that is amongst lots of roots together with bulbs together with without dried aromatic spices.

There's a nasi lemak store nearby together with my hubby and I adore their rendang. It's fragrant but non spicy, aromatic together with amongst a sweeter end. It doesn't accept that spice sense of savor that is well-nigh similar a dry out Indian curry. It simply sense of savor wonderfully aromatic. Their rendang is tender together with doesn't involve much chewing... melts inwards the oral fissure : )

I went scouting to a greater extent than or less for THE recipe together with when I chanced upon this recipe past times Hanieliza. It looked well-nigh similar that nosotros accept here, except it's bigger inwards size. And the audio of the recipe, yes, it should live on the one!

Does it sense of savor similar the ane I ate at the nasi lemak stall??
Yeessssssss! And my hubby super loves this.

Actually I cooked this rendang for the tertiary fourth dimension for the CNY bloggers potluck this yr together with to their surprise it was really tender. *Ahem*. And I used buffalo meat, Indian frozen buffalo meat that sells for RM14/kg at Tesco. Cheap stuff. Don't involve no Aussie prime number cut. The clandestine is the marinating together with the long hours of simmering. No meat volition stay tough amongst all those gingers.

Beef Rendang
Recipe by: WendyinKK
Adapted from Hanieliza

+/-1kg beef
50gm peeled ginger
40gm peeled galangal
30gm peeled turmeric
iv lemongrass (5 inches from the base), weighing 40gm inwards total

Grind the inwards a higher identify aromatics together with mix amongst the beef. Set aside patch yous create the rest. The ginger volition soften the beef together with hence that cooking fourth dimension tin flaming live on reduced.

10 dried chillies
10 shallots (100gm peeled weight)
iii cloves garlic

Snip dried chillies together with rub them to take seeds. Soak inwards H2O to soften. Peel shallots together with garlic. Grind everything together to shape a fine glue (Can add together some water, no problem)

iii large turmeric leaves, rolled together with snipped
150gm freshly grated kokosnoot (half a coconut), toasted on a pan until golden
1 loving cup thick kokosnoot milk
Salt to taste
40gm Palm sugar, depending on sense of savor (hubby preferred it to live on sweeter together with the 2d fourth dimension I made this, I pose inwards 60gm together with he liked it)

To cook, simply combine everything together except tabular array salt together with sugar, add together plenty H2O to cover. Bring to a boil together with plough to depression heat. Simmer for 2-3 hours or until softened. Put inwards palm saccharide together with tabular array salt together with cut back gravy until desired thickness.

*Beef rendang tastes amend afterwards existence aged for a few days, together with hence if yous can, laid upward this few days ahead earlier intended serving time, chill inwards the refrigerator together with reheat it to serve. And the adept affair is, yous tin flaming laid upward a large subdivision together with split it for a few meals. Isn’t that fantastic!

If yous don't laid upward beef at home, You tin flaming purpose pork loin to mimic the effect. You may non involve the same total of saccharide if you're using pork. Use less H2O together with 1-1.5 hours of cooking should live on enough, without marinating amongst the ginger paste.

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