Love To Bake Lydia's Rainbow Cake - Birthday Calendar Week #3

Remember I asked Lydia what cake she wanted? Her commencement response was rainbow cake. So, I idea of making her an upright rainbow cake. The rainbow volition hold out nestled on clouds on a bed of 'sky'.And the cake volition hold out brought to kindergarden to hold out shared alongside friends. Only kids volition hold out able to accept on hence much 'colours'.

What are the cakes used? The heaven cake was a tray baked Designer Chocolate Baby Grand. The rainbow is simply a elementary orange chiffon cake. I chose a sturdy chiffon recipe, i that volition agree upwards together with Alex Goh's chiffons perfectly fits the neb due to its high total of flour.

I bought lots of MnMs together with a large subway scheme of imported Smarties, every bit I know MnMs don't receive got purple. These ii are Lydia's electrical current favourite candies. I also bought mini marshmallows for the clouds. Not inexpensive for all these candies.

I dissever upwards the preparation. ii days earlier the celebration, I made the chocolate layer, chilled it. The side yesteryear side morning, later preparing Lydia to school, I apace made the chiffon. Chiffon cakes demand fourth dimension to cool down, hence ameliorate create it early.

In the afternoon, when the girls went to their nanny's family (their 2d final 24-hour interval there), I assembled together with frosted the cake alongside dairy cream. I also painted the 'sky' blue. Then, into the refrigerator it went. I didn't create anymore on that cake because Swee San told me the candies volition bleed. I waited until all the kids were asleep to stick on the candies every bit I couldn't afford to create it inwards the side yesteryear side morn due to fourth dimension constraints. The cake should learn inwards in schoolhouse yesteryear 9am together with I demand to prep the other ii kids earlier going out.

Did the cake bleed? Oh yes! Sure did, but it however had my daughter terribly ecstatic virtually it. So were the other kids.
Most of them said, " Aunty I desire the soft soft white white one". They recognised the marshmallows. LOL.
The huge cake was walloped yesteryear all the kids together with teachers, together with recieved positive reviews virtually it.

If you'd enquire me, whether decorating the cake alongside candies is easy? I'd nation no. I prefer pipage the colours on. Because the candy volition bleed together with I can't create it agency ahead of time. Candies also terms a lot lot more. I bought almost RM50 worth of candies, but I didn't complete them, of course, similar the marshmallows or Smarties, were simply partially used, but hence again, I can't purchase whatsoever less. I used ii packs of regular M&Ms together with i whole pack of private servings M&Ms because I couldn't learn the coloring I want. Too many of roughly together with also less of others.

Anyway, this cake was a adept experience. Lydia super loved this cake :) But it doesn't present inwards her cake blowing sessions. She ever gets tensed upwards when the candles are lit... retrieve final year's Carousel cake, she hugged me tight later the candles were lit. Funny girl!

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