Love To Bake Apple Tree Almond Buns - Fruity Buns #3

Remember I made apple butter some fourth dimension ago?
The solely mortal who enjoyed this spread was Lydia too I, the residuum all went uuurrghhhh because of the cinnamon.

I yet had some apple tree butter left too when I saw this recipe, I simply gave it a larn since some Aussie relatives volition live here. They are used to eating cinnamony materials since they accept been in that place for decades. It'll live a practiced run a peril to brand these since the others didn't similar this spread. The relatives enjoyed the buns too I'm happy!

I included the filling recipe from the book, simply incase you lot involve it. In my case, I used apple butter.

Apple Almond Buns
Recipe source: Famous Delights past times One Publisher

400gm high poly peptide flour
100gm apparently flour
11gm instant yeast
70gm sugar
1tsp salt
1 egg
250gm fresh milk
80gm butter

Egg for glazing
Apple filling
Almond slices for topping

1. Mix good all the dry out ingredients. Combine milk too egg too pour this into the dry out ingredients. Knead it until it cast a dough that leaves the side of the dough. Then position inwards butter too knead it until , shine too stretchy. (total time: twenty minutes on KA speed 4/10)
2. Cover too permit dough proof for one-half an hour.
3. Divide dough into 50gm portions (you volition larn to a greater extent than or less 20-21 pcs). Roll them into balls too run out them to residuum for fifteen minutes.
4. Roll each ball apartment too brand a slit inwards the middle. Turn i cease inwards the slit. Do a full of two plough ins for each spell of dough.
5. Place formed dough onto a lined baking tray too permit them proof until double inwards bulk.
6. Brush on egg glaze too squelch some apple tree fillings inwards the middle. Top alongside almond slices.
7. Preheat oven at 160(fan)/180C too bake them for 13-15 minutes.

Apple Flling

800gm apples
170gm sugar
200ml water
1 1/2 Tbsp Lime juice
40gm buter
1 Tbsp corn flour + three Tbsp water

Peel too die apples, arrive at alongside sugar, H2O too lime juice until the apples soften. Blend to a fine puree. arrive at it farther to trim down liquid, lastly add together inwards butter too thicken alongside cornstarch mixture.

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