Love To Bake Char Kway Teow @ Hum Darn Fun Amongst Video 炒粿条@蛤蛋粉

Char Kway Teow (Fried Flat Rice Noodles) is how the basis knows it.
Hum Darn Fun (Cockle Egg Rice Noodles) is how nosotros Kamparians telephone phone it. FYI, Kampar is a pocket-size Chinese bulk town inward the solid reason of Perak.

I grew upwards non knowing what is Kway Teow. More thus know I didn't know its Cantonese translation every bit Guai Diu
I grew upwards eating Hor Fun or unopen to telephone phone it Sar Hor Fun, that's how the Cantonese telephone phone those apartment rice noodles.
I tin recollect how I laughed piece belongings my belly when my KLite Uni room mate called those noodles Guai Diu (like how you lot would pronounce 贵鸟in Cantonese). She was only manifestly unlucky to induce got two Perakians every bit room mates too both of us were rolling on our beds laughing. We constitute the Cantonese translation of the Hokkien lift for this noodle to audio vulgar (Ghost F***).

If you lot watched the eating demo "Taste alongside Jason 阿贤人情味", you lot mightiness induce got come upwards across the episode where he visited Kampar too interviewed the best HDF inward Kampar. Jason stressed that it's called Hum Darn Fun too non Char Kway Teow there. LOL. I was laughing seeing him maxim HDF, HDF, HDF, every bit if he's trying to psycho himself.

In Kampar, CKT or HDF is cooked on a large apartment kind atomic release 26 wok. The noodles are fried inward large batches first, too thus finished upwards plate past times plate according to private needs. The version nosotros had inward Kampar is fried alongside eggs too cockles only. No Chinese sausages, no prawns. Just frugal eggs too cockles. Nothing fancy, but fifty-fifty alongside only these two poly peptide sources, the flavour is bursting alongside deliciousness due to the 'wok hei' (wok smell). HDF is dry out too fragrant whereas I notice CKT to hold upwards on the moister side.

So, whatever it is called, it's fragrant fried apartment rice noodles alongside eggs, cockles, prawns or sausages too lots of beansprouts, non forgetting the ultra important chinese chives.

Today I'm doing a CKT, since I'm non cooking this inward a large apartment kind atomic release 26 wok too the cockles are missing. The "Hum" isn't there, thus the HDF lift does non check this at all. But if you lot add together inward the Hum, too thus telephone phone it what you lot want, LOL. FYI, the Hum volition never be on my blog. I am allergic to Hum. If I eat whatever Hum, I volition hold upwards humming my 24-hour interval off inward the washroom. Seriously. I did that twice too I'm non going to run a peril myself alongside a tertiary time.

Am I confusing you? Good, whatever the respond is. Hahaha!

The method I'm using today is the agency that my friend, Kin Thong's mom exercise it. She learnt how to shaver CKT from her hotel chef boy inward law. I scout her exercise it too I larn from there. This method is to a greater extent than suitable for our dwelling household stoves which is less hot than commercial gas stoves. And you lot may think, only soy sauce for seasoning? Yes. Just that. The noodles derives its flavour to a greater extent than frequently than non from the cooking process. If you lot handled the oestrus well, it volition give the noodles the distinctive flavour, no demand of elaborate seasonings. But the soy sauce used must hold upwards expert on its own, non unopen to bland salty sauce.

Char Kway Teow / Hum Darn Fun
Recipe Source: Wendyywy

So, what you lot volition demand per pax

200gm apartment rice noodles (Yes, I weigh it)
1 loving cup edible bean sprouts
1 handful of chinese chives, cutting into inch long segments
1 egg
few prawns
few slices of sausages (optional)
two Tbsp of cockle flesh (optional)
1 tsp finely chopped garlic
two Tbsp (30ml) lite soy sauce, most 1and 2/3 chinese soup spoon
Some pepper too cooking oil

Do it plate past times plate. Never shaver inward large amounts. Prepare everything inward the share you lot demand before you lot start cooking.
1. Loosen rice noodles, brand certain they don't clump together.
2. Heat wok until really hot. Put inward footling flake of oil, nation most 1 tsp too shaver prawns until fragrant. Dish upwards too laid aside.
3. Put inward to a greater extent than oil, nation most two Tbsp too set inward garlic. When garlic is fragrant, set inward rice noodles.
4. Fry noodles until they expect partially 'blistered' past times the hot oil. It volition hold upwards slightly gluey too won't accept long if your wok is hot enough.
5. Put inward footling flake of beansprouts too chives. (The pocket-size amount of these two are cooked to release fragrance past times the hot oil) Put inward lite soy sauce too pepper too maintain to shaver until the sauce dries up.  Push the noodles to the side 1 time a piece thus that it gets oestrus too it quickens the drying process. Push it dorsum inward to the centre too force it out again. (Watch video to sympathise what I mean).
6. Push noodles to the side too set egg in the center. (add sausages at this betoken if wanted)Scramble it a flake too force noodles dorsum onto egg. Toss everything.
7. When eggs are fragrant too noodles looks dry out (it volition induce got that 'blistered' expect again), set inward edible bean sprouts too chinese chives (add cockles if wanted). Toss too shaver for a brusque piece too dish up.
8. Serve alongside chilli sambal.

*No demand to launder wok to shaver the adjacent plate. The muddied wok makes the adjacent dish sense of savour better. My hubby volition confirm that ; )

Sambal for CKT
three ruddy chillies
1cm3 belachan (dried shrimp paste)
two cloves garlic
Calamansi juice

Just blend chillies, belachan too garlic together. Squeeze calamansi lime juice over.

my hubby took this video the afternoon I cooked him this for lunch

Each time I create this, Mike keeps on quest me to educate CKT biz hither inward KK. Well, frankly. If e'er I desire to venture into nutrient biz, I won't desire to induce got a bakery or a fancy restaurant. I'd prefer to hold upwards a CKT hawker.

Reason: freedom.

Every element tin hold upwards kept too if I experience similar closing earlier, I only dump everything into the refrigerator too force downward the shutters. If I all of a precipitous experience similar working, I only pick out conduct hold of my materials from the refrigerator too force upwards my shutters. Easy peasy. No worries most leftovers.

Now, volition I e'er hold upwards a CKT hawker, Haha, I don't know.

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