Love To Bake Grilled Fish Amongst Kokosnoot Bantut Ikan - Mff Kedah Perlis #8

Another pop fish dish from the dry reason of Kedah, but non thus good known out of state. 
I intend most of us are familiar alongside fish stuffed alongside chilli sambal. This could live on something novel to you.

Bantut ikan literally translates every bit Stunted Fish. I wonder why? Is it because of later filling the fish, the fish looks fatty as well as short? hehehe. I don't know, merely guessing.

I saw this beingness sold at the Ramadan Bazaar nigh my place, as well as I asked the human being whether this is Bantut ikan. He is genuinely a Chinese Muslim who married a Malay wife, thus he may non live on familiar alongside the food. He merely reluctantly told me inward Cantonese, it's grilled fish (烧鱼) la, tin become alongside thus many names, but it's grilled fish. I bought 1 as well as went dwelling identify to try, non certain if it's Bantut ikan. It was made alongside torpedo scad (cencaru 硬尾鳍). The filling was white, fiery, peppery, non spiced.. Hmmm.. perchance Perak's version is unlike than Kedah every bit most of Kedah's version that I've seen is yellowish alongside turmeric.

For this dish, the norm is to run snakehead (haruan 生鱼) as well as large snakeheads. But present alongside the dwindling amount of fish inward the rice fields, people convey started to run other fishes. You tin run torpedo scad (see here), indian mackerel (kembung) or even black pomfret (see the version" target="_blank">here). Some conduct to take away the dorsum os of the fish, some don't. The ingredients used varies alongside recipes but the full general stance remains the same, every bit inward "grilled fish stuffed alongside spiced coconut". Some wrap alongside leaves to grill, some become bare. So, it's upward to you. I tried wrapping alongside leaves but I works life the kokosnoot smelling non that good, thus I removed the leaves, as well as then, yeah, the fragrance is much much better.

Bantut Ikan
Hazila and myresipi

half dozen Kembung fish, weighing around 150-160gm each. (pls tell the fishmonger you lot demand to materials this fish, as well as they should know what to do)
Salt for sprinkling
Oil for drizzling

½ tsp turmeric powder
½ tsp common salt
50gm grated coconut

Grind to a paste
1 reddish chilli
ii bird’s oculus chilli
ii cloves garlic
three shallots
1 cm ginger
1 lemon grass (4 inches)
½ tsp fennel seeds
½ tsp cumin seeds

1. Prepare paste. Mix glue alongside turmeric powder, common salt as well as grated coconut.
2. Sprinkle some common salt over fish as well as rub. Stuff the fish alongside the kokosnoot filling. Rub some fossil oil over fish skin.
3. Bake for 200C (fan) for about xx mins or until the fish is cooked. (time depends on size of fish)

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