Love To Bake Haw Flakes Layered Cake

Sarawak Style Layered Cakes... Long fourth dimension never create this. I'm stingy to pay for the electricity the grilling uses.

I did this for Chinese New Year, I didn't bake whatever cookies. This is easier, at to the lowest degree I don't quest to sit down at that spot doing nada but shaping in addition to filling cookies. For this I simply pose it inwards the oven, hold off for the buzzer in addition to create unopen to other layer. In betwixt baking the layers, I tin can online, create this spider web log in addition to crease my laundry, I accept to a greater extent than freedom inwards short. More fourth dimension for other things.

previous type that I used is the pocket-sized pinkish packaging type. That i gives amend flavour. To me this i inwards the motion painting is a flake besides sweetness in addition to less tang.

I also changed the recipe this time. Did non work strawberry jam. Didn't work crushed Marie biscuits, but simply cake flour.

The recipe this fourth dimension is,

450gm butter
140gm sugar
10 large eggs
510gm condensed milk
240gm cake flour
few drops of ruby-red nutrient colouring

1. Preheat oven on grill setting. (My oven has either 230C or 250C setting, therefore I used 230C)
2. Use a 9x9 inch foursquare pan. Line bottom of pan. Warm upwardly pan for stride 8 (I create this over the hot H2O I prepared for the H2O bathroom later).
3. Beat saccharide in addition to butter until low-cal in addition to fluffy.
4. Add inwards eggs, i past times one. Beating good after each addition.
5. Mix inwards condensed milk
6. Sift flour in addition to crease into batter.
7. Divide batter into ii parts. Colour i purpose alongside ruby-red nutrient colouring, piece of work out the other plain.
8. Spread a ladle of batter(red) evenly onto hot pan.
9. Tilt pan left in addition to correct to score batter. Grill for seven minutes or until golden.
10. Remove from oven in addition to press cake layer to take away excess air. Spread unopen to other ladle of batter (plain) over the cooked layer, disceptation pan to score batter in addition to conform haw flakes onto batter. Grill for seven minutes or until golden.
11. Alternate stride ix in addition to 10 until batter is finished.

Pan needs to be warmed upwardly at stride ii for fifty-fifty distribution of batter. You tin can either warm it up inwards the preheating oven or over a pot of hot water.

Switch off oven fan when u create this cake, if not, the bottom volition mail away at the halt of the baking. If the fan cannot last turned off, similar my oven, fifty-fifty on grill mode, bake this cake inwards a shallow H2O bathroom to forbid the base of operations from over browning…my baking pan is 9X9 in addition to my H2O bathroom pan is 10X10. Too large a H2O bathroom pan volition piece of work out u a very moist cake, in addition to a longer browning time. But fifty-fifty if it gets besides moist later, u tin can dry out it upwardly inwards the microwave on depression for 10 minutes in addition to and therefore roll it upwardly i time again for fifty-fifty distribution of wet from within.

Well, inwards gild to brand certain all layers are equal in addition to that no either type of batter are inwards excess, I separate the batter into portions, kept inwards bowls. So that I volition accept equal layers, in addition to no leftovers.

To serve,
Cut off dry out ends, separate cake into 4 long pieces and acre each acre less than 1cm thick. This cake is non meant to last chomped on, but eaten piece of cake over tea. Taste amend equally it ages. I kept this at room temperature for over a week, in addition to it nonetheless looks good. If kept inwards the fridge, it tin can boot the bucket along for months.

Oh yes,
Nicole in addition to Aunt Yee Wah, how was the pandan kaya layer cake??
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