Love To Bake Homemade Strawberry Jam - Strawberry # 1

Recipe created on October 2011

Strawberry jam... seen a lot on supermarket shelves?

Whenever I opened upward a jounce of commercial jam, ordinarily I aroma the saccharide rather than the fruit. I know non all brands do, but around of them do, non gourmet jams that costs RM20 above, non those. And commercial jams gustation soooo sugary that... y'all tin hand the sack exclusively spread a sparse layer of it onto the bread. With that sparse layer, how much fruit create y'all teach to taste? Some budget jams don't fifty-fifty direct hold whatever fruits inward it, but simply colouring together with flavouring.

Cameron Highlands is the major strawberry production surface area inward the country. And strawberry jam is sold everywhere there. Most of them aroma of "sugar" together with are overly sweet. Those sold at RM5 per bottle await similar remnants from the strawberry cordial production, lots of pulp, but non much colour. The best that I direct hold tasted hence far, is from Cameron Highland Resort (under YTL group), at a cost slightly higher than Raju's or Kasimanis, but the gustation is better.

The biggest vegetable stall at the nighttime marketplace hither inward KK sells strawberries sourced straight from Cameron Highlands. Whenever I purchase vegetables from them, I volition purchase strawberrries too, if they all the same direct hold it, stocks are limited. It's RM11/500gm. They are real ruby together with don't grow fungus easily, non until y'all impact them amongst your bare fingers together with piece of job out them unwashed later on touching. Easily lasts 2-3 weeks chilled.

I made this jam on impulse. Because I direct hold 500gm of strawberries inward the refrigerator for two weeks. And the kids were sick, so, eating them fresh together with cold was non a practiced idea, volition construct them coughing fifty-fifty more.

This is my recipe. And I'm sticking to this. The ratio of ingredients is simply correct for me, texture together with flavor wise.

Homemade Strawberry Jam
Recipe source: WendyinKK
Yields : Approximately 3 cups of jam

500gm strawberries
one light-green apple
one lemon
350gm sugar

1. Wash and cut strawberries (some I quartered, about I halved).
2. Peel together with grate the apple.
3. Zest together with juice the lemon.
4. Combine strawberries, grated apples, lemon juice together with lemon zest inward a non reactive pot (glass or stainless steel) together with laid upward on medium estrus (lid off) until it feels spongy (I don't similar the setting stage, it becomes likewise hard). Don't forget it volition maintain to thicken later on cooling.

This jam tin hand the sack concluding pretty long inward the fridge, iii months opened is non a problem. Unopened inward sterilized jars tin hand the sack live kept fifty-fifty longer. Take Federal Reserve annotation that if y'all select to farther lower the sugar, the jam mightiness non live glossy together with may non maintain good that long. This total of saccharide amongst the lemon together with apple tree all the same gives the jam a slightly tart taste.
Lydia loves jam a lot, but Lyanne doesn't. Previously Lyanne takes jam, but recently, she exclusively takes Nutella together with Kaya. Fruit jams all no no! Lydia on the other paw loves to lick her jam together with hence consume her bread, LOL. She won't heed eating the jam amongst a spoon.

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