Love To Bake Kacang Phool - Mff Johor # 2

Foul Beans.... That's what stated on the can. No joke, they are foul beans.

Ok ok.. they are commonly known equally fava beans or wide beans. I bought this tin of fava beans from Jusco for less than RM3. I can't larn them inwards Tesco. Not certain almost other places. Initially I wanted to hold upward ambitious together with wanted to role raw beans. I used to mean value that these beans are mutual inwards Malaysia, but it seems that fifty-fifty Indian grocery shops don't bear this edible bean fifty-fifty though it's a mutual fare at Indian snack stalls. We fondly telephone phone those stalls equally kacang putih stalls together with the Indian uncle selling the snacks equally kacang putih man. It's those large crispy fried beans that has a nighttime skin, that nosotros unremarkably take away earlier eating... that one! Yes, those beans.

Kacang Phool ( I mean value it's similar phone---phool) or Kacang Pool is a pop dish inwards Johor Bahru. It's middle eastern inwards root together with known equally Lebanon (with added chickpeas), Arab, Ethopia (fully mashed) together with in all likelihood other countries inwards the middle east. Sometimes topped alongside an egg, or fifty-fifty feta cheese together with tahini.

The localized version inwards Johor has replaced the lemon alongside calamansi together with added inwards to a greater extent than estrus alongside chillies together with curry powder. Most of the middle eastern recipes uses cumin but fennel together with coriander seem to a greater extent than pop for the Johor version. It's likewise to a greater extent than oniony than garlicky. Arabian apartment staff of life is replaced alongside toast of which is buttered. And the biggest alter of all is the add-on of meat.

I went through a few localised recipes together with constitute them to hold upward greatly varied. Some called for a huge amount of beans together with rattling picayune beef (7 tin of beans to 200gm meat) together with some called for 1kg of beef together with 1kg onions alongside entirely 1 tin of beans, or perhaps it's a commercial super large can, but no size is stated. It's a huge variation. So I guess, in that location is no full general ratio of beans to beef. Some called for dry reason spices, some don't. Some role chilli paste, together with some role curry powder. Some role love apple tree puree, but non all. But thence again, if you lot inquire me, it's to a greater extent than logical for a eating seat to role to a greater extent than beans than meat because meat is much to a greater extent than expensive. Like how Arabic Zeal said it , "there's no 1 correct agency to brand this dish"

After going through all the unlike localised recipes, I mix together with matched myself a recipe that is even thence inside the local context, to convey an almost balanced amount to beef to beans, summation spices together with seasonings from all the recipes I've seen. I made this for a lazy Dominicus brunch together with this amount tin serve 2-4 depending on appetite. My wife together with I finished this off alongside lots of toasted staff of life together with it was yum.

If you lot inquire me what does this gustatory modality like.... almost similar an American chilli, but less tomato-ey. That's it.

****Warning: Not to hold upward served to individuals alongside G6PD deficiency****

Update: My beloved reader Susan said the beans are available inwards Singapore at Mustaffa's.

Kacang Phool
Recipe by: WendyinKK
Reference: Bubble@Diana

1 Can of Fava Beans (454gm)
200gm minced beef
ii medium sized onions (about 1 loving cup chopped)
ii cloves garlic
ii slices of ginger (not inwards picture)
1 tsp fennel seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 Tbsp meat curry powder
ii Tbsp ketchup
Some white pepper powder

Sunny side upward Eggs
Calamansi lime
Chopped onions
Sliced greenish chillies
Toasted buttered bread

1. Put fennel, cumin together with coriander seeds into a dry out construct clean pan together with on medium heat, tiddler until they are fragrant (they mightiness laissez passer on out some crackling sounds). Grind them fine.
2. Peel together with grind onions, garlic together with ginger together.
3. Pour the canned beans into a bowl together with fish out one-half the beans together with grind them until pasty. (Use some of the liquids if needed).
4. Use the same pan together with estrus it up. Put inwards 1 Tbsp of crude together with sauté the meat until it is cooked together with the juices are dried up. Dish upward together with laid aside.
5. In the same pan, position inwards three Tbsp of cooking crude together with sauté the onion glue on medium depression estrus until it looks glossy together with smells good. Put inwards the dry reason spices together with dice on to laid upward for almost 1-2 minutes. Put inwards curry pulverisation together with laid upward it for some other minute. (If it looks dry, you lot may position inwards to a greater extent than oil)
6. Put inwards the cooked beef, plow estrus to medium together with dice on to laid upward for 2-3 minutes, it should olfactory belongings actually good.
7. Put the beans (the whole ones) together alongside the liquid into the cooking beef. Put inwards ketchup together with pepper.
8. Let it laid upward until it comes dorsum to a boil, thence position inwards the edible bean paste. Cook until you lot larn the consistency that you lot prefer. (Add to a greater extent than H2O if you lot similar it to a greater extent than stew like). Taste together with adapt the saltiness. (I didn't add together whatsoever tabular array salt at all)
9. Serve alongside a sunny side upward together with buttered toasted bread.

Before whatsoever adornment. Fresh from the pan.

I am submitting this to Annie of Annielicious Food
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