Love To Bake Kumquat Roasted Pork Belly - Kumquats #2

My son, my 19M son, saw the belly coming out from the oven. He in addition to thence rubbed his belly in addition to said yum yum yum. Througout dinner, he kept on pointing to this dish in addition to ate quite a few pieces.
Reuben loves it!

I roasted this when he was napping but before I was done, he was awake! Was thence worried when I was transporting it to in addition to from the tabular array to baste in addition to oven to roast.

I didn't operate Chinese vino to marinate this, instead I went amongst Rum. I similar the odour of rum in addition to how it mingles good amongst fruits... seriously smelling skilful piece baking. The rum was a prissy change.

After I shot these pictures, I took a pic of this dish using my band in addition to and sent it to my hubby.
He came dwelling from piece of employment inward high spirits maxim he is famished in addition to needs to swallow correct away!

See me slicing the pork in addition to asked me for i piece. One seize amongst teeth in addition to he kept quiet.

Later on, I didn't come across him taking much of this. He nonetheless ate, simply non that excited, in addition to I asked him why?
He said, I wrecked the Char Siew yesteryear putting lemon sauce.
I told him, this is non char siew!  LOL.


The pork looks charred but they don't gustation bitter, I similar it this way, in addition to it's non an excuse.

Kumquat Roasted Pork Belly
Recipe source: WendyinKK

400gm skinless pork belly
2/3tsp salt
1/4 tsp 5-spice powder
1 tsp sugar
Generous dash of pepper
1 Tbsp rum
2-3 slices of ginger
100gm kumquats
50gm sugar

1. Marinate the pork belly amongst salt, %-spice powder, sugar, pepper in addition to rum for a few hours.
2. Half kumquats in addition to take away seeds. Cut into smaller pieces.
3. Put kumquats, ginger in addition to saccharide into a small-scale saucepan, add together plenty H2O to encompass in addition to permit it simmer for virtually xxx minutes until the kumquats expect translucent. Blend everything until fine in addition to gear upward until it forms a thick sauce.
4. Remove belly from refrigerator in addition to grill inward 220C for fifteen minutes, turning i time halfway.
5. Remove from oven in addition to flip the belly. Brush a thick layer of kumquat sauce over(surface facing upward only, summation the sides) in addition to permit it grill for 10 minutes.
6. Remove from oven in addition to flip the belly. Brush to a greater extent than sauce over (this surface was without sauce earlier) in addition to and thence grill for or thence other 10 minutes.
7. Dab on to a greater extent than sauce in addition to proceed to grill until the color you lot similar (I similar mine slightly charred on the sides)

put to a greater extent than sauce than what I showed!

I am submitting this postal service to Chinese New Year's Day Delights 2013 hosted yesteryear Sonia aka Nasi Lemak Lover

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