Love To Bake Lime Together With Longan Slush Amongst Pomegranate - Fruit Calendar Week #6

It's crazily hot these few days right?
Last twelvemonth Dec it was pretty chilly.. well, for Malaysia a nighttime temperature of 22C is considered chilly. And afterwards Chinese New Year, it turned then therefore then therefore hot. The Sun stings the peel as well as it's a hurting to instruct out, fifty-fifty inwards the shade.

Even Lyanne reduced her diaper use, it seems much much dryer forthwith : ( All that she always drank appear to bring evaporated rather than passed out.

This is perfect for this stupid weather. After I downed i shot of this, I felt then much better. My MIL said it was adept too.

Lime as well as Longan Slush alongside Pomegranate
Recipe source: Wendyywy

200gm H2O ice (lightly crushed earlier use)
1 Tbsp lime juice
80ml longan syrup (from the can)
1 Tbsp saccharide or to a greater extent than (I used ii Tbsp of homemade saccharide syrup cooked using 1:1 book ratio)

Blitz everything inwards the blender until fine. Pour into serving glass, top alongside canned longan flesh as well as pomegranate

Seafood Week

I'll hold upward cutting my posting days from Monday to Friday.
Let's instruct inwards a five 24-hour interval operate calendar week now, :p
See you lot on Monday
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: