Love To Bake Prunes Layer Cake 梅干千层蛋糕

 I tried adding inward to larn a slightly unlike coloured layer Love to Bake Prunes Layer Cake 梅干千层蛋糕

 I tried adding inward to larn a slightly unlike coloured layer Love to Bake Prunes Layer Cake 梅干千层蛋糕

The prune layer cake I ate b4, didn't comprise prune jam inward it. I tried adding inward to larn a slightly unlike coloured layer... Well, the color final result wasn't all that pretty either, unless I add together inward to a greater extent than or less nutrient colouring. If u can't uncovering it, merely supervene upon it amongst to a greater extent than condensed milk. I bought mine at Tesco.

I don't intend I'll hold upward making whatever layer cakes whatever close future, cos it made my electrical mouth heaven high. I alive inward a household that pays comercial rates for electrical as well as it's well-nigh double of the domestic rate.. Not until I deed into my novel household (2010, maybe), alone as well as thence volition I embark on layer cakes again.

Ingredients (A)
225gm butter
50gm sugar
v medium eggs, shape C
170gm Plum jam (warmed to liquify it a bit)
170gm sweetened condensed milk (1/3 medium can)
120gm cake flour

Ingredients (B)
225gm butter
50gm sugar
v medium eggs, shape C
340gm sweetened condensed milk (2/3 medium can)
120gm cake flour
340gm dried Pitted prunes (cut into one-half as well as press flat)

Method:Ingredients (A)
1. Beat saccharide as well as butter until lite as well as fluffy.
2. Add inward eggs i past times one. Beating good subsequently each addition.
3. Mix inward plum jam as well as condensed milk
4. Add cake flour to batter as well as mix well.

Ingredients (B)
1. Beat saccharide as well as butter until lite as well as fluffy.
2. Add inward eggs i past times one. Beating good subsequently each addition.
3. Mix inward condensed milk
4. Add cake flour to batter as well as mix well.

1. Preheat Oven inward grill vogue at 220C.
2. Line the base of operations of a 9X9 inch baking pan as well as grease the sides. Preheat the pan over a pot of hot H2O or inward the preheating oven
3. Place i ladle of (A) inward the hot pan.
4. Spread batter evenly. Tilt pan left as well as correct to degree batter.
5. Grill for seven minutes or until cake layer turns golden.
6. Remove cake pan from oven as well as press cake layer to unloose air.
7. Put inward a ladle of (B) as well as repeat pace 4,5 as well as 6. Arrange flattened prunes on give of layer (B) subsequently pace 4.
8. Continue baking cake layers alternating batter (A) as well as (B) until all batter is used up.
9. When done, exit to cool on wire rack for 10 minutes as well as overturn the cake. Peel the lining paper. Let the base of operations dry out properly as well as brand certain the whole cake has cooled downwardly earlier storing.

13/05/09: Sorry, I've mistyped the plum jam every bit prune jam. (Prunes are dried plums, similar raisins are to grapes)
If u can't larn plum jam, merely create the batter inward i batch. You tin either add together upward the condensed milk or add together upward the sugar. If u desire to add together upward the sugar, merely follow the listing of ingredients below.

450gm butter
200gm sugar
10 medium eggs
510gm condensed milk
240gm cake flour
340gm dried pitted prunes (cut one-half as well as pressed flat)

Method: Follow method of ingredients (B)

Note: If u uncovering this cake dry, don't worry. It moistens upward the adjacent day. Anyway, it doesn't gustation practiced on the same day. Just run on the whole cake inward a tupperware.
Layer cakes tin run on rattling good as well as they gustation ameliorate when aged. ii months inward the refrigerator is non a problem. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 calendar week inward room temperature is no problem. So, guide keep ur fourth dimension to tardily enjoy the cake, while past times slice.
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