Love To Bake Reuben's Sum Satelite Party

Today Reuben is a calendar month old.

Full Luna of the novel babe is celebrated past times the Chinese community to grade the babe being one calendar month old. Usually either nutrient is given out inwards packs or a reception volition live done either at habitation or at restaurants. Whatever it is, it is celebrated amongst joy too cheer.

Back inwards those days.. when infant mortality charge per unit of measurement is high, to instruct to a calendar month old, is something BIG. Nowadays, amongst immunization, formula milk too meliorate medical facilities, the mortality charge per unit of measurement has definately dropped. Nevertheless, it is notwithstanding something to live really happy almost too it marks the cease of my confinement!!!

Woohoo!! Freedom. The liberty to launder pilus everyday(not i time every iii days), the liberty to bathe every bit many times every bit I similar per day(not i time per day), the liberty to potable iced drinks, the liberty to consume chilled fruits, the liberty to become out anytime too experience the breeze anytime I like, BUT!!! I volition live stuck at habitation amongst baby, losing sleep, losing time, losing mobility to become out alone. It's the outset of a novel responsibleness when my confinement lady leaves the house. Chores too everything volition live dorsum inwards my hands.

All my kid's total Luna were celebrated differently.

Lydia's time, nosotros held dinners at restaurants, twice. Once inwards Kampar for relatives on my side, too unopen to other fourth dimension inwards KK for my hubby's side.

Lyanne's time, it was just during Chinese New Year, too then aught much could live done. I can't produce it inwards restaurants every bit it volition live also jammed pack. Not a expert sentiment to convey a calendar month former infant to a crowded place. So, nosotros gave gift packs. We didn't gild the packs every bit it was CNY, too people mightiness live around, mightiness non live around, too then nosotros won't live able to distribute it all in i day. And who's going to take up our order during CNY? Everybody's busy amongst their ain identify unit of measurement affairs. So, I made my ain packs too it's a lot easier to give out cakes than savoury nutrient similar roasted chicken that can't lastly to a greater extent than than i day. See the gift pack here.

This time, since nosotros moved inwards to a novel house, nosotros mightiness every bit well, produce the total Luna political party at home. H5N1 total Luna cum housewarming party. Did I cater? LOL, no! Never! I didn't fifty-fifty cater for my pre marriage ceremony thingy that's for hundreds of people, what's amongst a political party for 50? Peanuts! Haha.

I had the party a week earlier every bit my confinement lady volition live leaving on Thursday, which was yesterday, so I did the Full Luna lastly Saturday. Usually Full Moons are done before than late. And I take away extra assist inwards the kitchen, definately, specially amongst all the washing. On this day, my mom took attention of Reuben piece my confinement lady helped amongst the political party preps.

I started preparing since Tuesday.
Tuesday: Baked a Topo Map Cake for backup, Baked Chocolate Designer Baby Grands
Wednesday: Went shopping for all my ingredients, cooked my Creme Pattisiere.
Thursday: Made Dragon Fruit Angku jelly too Watermelon Jelly, cooked durian custard cream.
Friday: Marinated pork belly for Roasted Pork, made choux puffs too filled them, gear upward most of the raw ingredients for the side past times side day
Sabbatum morn : Prepare ruby-red eggs too cooked everything. Finished cooking past times 230pm.

I had to a greater extent than assist coming inwards past times 3pm when my dearie cousin Eileen too identify unit of measurement arrived from KL. Eileen loves preparing for parties too she couldn't come upward whatsoever before due to her daughter's music class.  When she came, she helped a lot amongst plating too terminal preps. Her mom, my aunt, also helped by nicely chopping the roasted pork. My bro too sis inwards constabulary who arrrived at almost 4pm also helped a lot amongst the terminal preps.

Dinner was all position out past times 6pm too phew and I ran upstairs to bathe. Came downwards too started the party!
Cooking was a breeze, it was the terminal preps that took a lot of time. Time seemed to wing after 3pm.

Chocolate Designer Baby Grands(tray baked), watermelon jelly, Dragon Fruit Angku Jelly, Dulce De leche cream puffs, Durian custard cream puffs

durian custard cream puffs into their mouths merely to instruct the eyes almost popping out after when they realised it's durian. These people happened to live durian haters.

Creamy Curry Chicken.

Red Eggs, a must for Full Luna or whatsoever birthday celebrations. It's difficult boiled eggs dyed amongst vinegared ruby-red nutrient dye.

roasted pork. Should've identify it elevated on a box :) But I don't cause got the fourth dimension to produce it. The big bowl is shredded white too ruby-red cabbage amongst carrots too the dressing is Tomato Cream.
The ruby-red eggs are served together amongst pickled papaya too pickled immature ginger.

The political party was over past times 9pm too unopen to friends stayed dorsum to assist amongst the cleaning too to chat.
I finally rested at midnight. Tiring, but fun. Kekeke.
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: