Love To Bake Stir Fried Fish Alongside Wax Apple Tree Slices 水蓊炒鱼片 - Local Fruits #1

Currently I’m living inwards a town where the nutrient sucks. Sucks BIG TIME!! Wedding dinners hither are either avoided past times the younger generation or are forced past times parents to survive held at community halls, which is a far shout from prettily decorated dining halls inwards cities. Usually KK folks go to Sungai Siput for eatery cooked meals too they sense of savour a lot lot meliorate too are a lot cheaper than inwards KK.

This dish that I’m sharing today is a real weird dish that I 1 time ate at a eatery inwards Sungai Siput's Tai Chong. I was surrpised at the ingredient, wax apple. And to my surprise the sense of savour too texture complemented good alongside the fish. With lovely wax apples bought from Jusco, I tried to recreate this dish, too I’m glad I did quite a expert project on it.

Wax Apples or some telephone shout back H2O apple, is a truthful local fruit. Well, papayas too pineapple grow here, but they are non truthful locals. Papayas came from the American continent too pineapples are indigenous to South America. So non every locally grown fruit are truthful locals.

When I was a kid, my neighbours had wax apple tree trees. My side neighbor too my dorsum neighbour. The side neighbour's tree had pinkish smallish tart fruits too my dorsum neighbor had 1 that grew white fruits alongside huge seeds. I justice the white version is real very difficult to come upward past times nowadays. It's non a approbation to convey neighbours having such trees. How nosotros dread each fruiting season. Our chemical compound volition aroma similar a dumpster alongside all the rotting fruits. Because the fruits are tart are non real overnice to eat, unless y'all dip them inwards rojak sauce too y'all can't swallow all the fruits from the huge tree, they are left to drop too waste materials away. 1/3 of the pinkish tree's leaf grows into our compound, so, 1/3 of their fruits rot inwards our place. You may wonder why nosotros didn't simply sweep them away.. Well, they dropped into the fenced upward expanse that nosotros grew our mango trees. it's mulchy too non a overnice house to walk in, hence acquit alongside it. These trees also attracted lots of bees, non forgetting weaver ants. You can't imagine how happy nosotros were when they decided to chop downward the tree.

These wax apples I'm using today are a novel breed from Thailand that nosotros convey exclusively seen inwards the in conclusion 10 years. It's large too sweet. I intend no 1 volition desire to go out them on the tree to drib too rot. I won't heed if my neighbour's tree grows into my garden :p I'll simply selection them off too eat. No complains whatsoever.

Stir Fried Fish Slices alongside Wax Apple 水蓊炒鱼片
Recipe source: Wendyywy
Inspired by: Tai Chong Restaurant, Sungai Siput

350gm boneless fish fillets (dory or grouper volition run fine)
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp ShaoXing wine
Dash of pepper
1 Tbsp egg white
½ tsp sesame oil

Mix fish alongside everything except the sesame oil. When everything is good incorporated, add together inwards sesame crude oil too go out it for thirty minutes.

three sprigs of throttle onion
ii large wax apples
1 Tbsp ShaoXing wine
1/3 loving cup water
2/3 tsp cornstarch
¼ tsp salt
1/3 tsp sugar
Good dash of pepper

1. Cut throttle onion into ii inch lengths, separating the white too light-green parts. (should convey 1 large handful of light-green parts)
2. Cut wax apple tree into one-half too trim down the base. Slice into wedges.
3. Mix water, cornstarch, salt, saccharide too pepper together. Set aside.
4. Heat a wok until real very hot. Put inwards ii Tbsp of cooking crude oil too smear sides of wok alongside crude oil too brand certain spatula is good oiled alongside the hot oil.
5. Put inwards white parts of light-green onion too fry for few seconds too lay inwards marinated fish. Gently spread fish unopen to but don’t motion it also much. Let it laid upward for a spell earlier moving too flipping them.
6. When fish seems cooked (if in that location is liquid oozing from the fish, too hence allow liquid evaporate first), lay Shaoxing vino unopen to the fish, too allow it evaporate .
7. Put inwards wax apple tree wedges too toss.
8. Pour inwards cornstarch mixture too laid upward until it thickens.
9. Put inwards light-green parts of throttle onion, give it a terminal toss too dish up.

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