Love To Bake Apricot In Addition To Raisin Bars - Bars Calendar Week #1

Recipe tried out inwards May 2011

Happy New Year! Err, a twenty-four threescore minutes current late! Lyanne volition start kindergarden this twelvemonth in addition to her outset twenty-four threescore minutes current volition hold upwards on the 5th. I'm certain honey readers who are parents volition hold upwards busy at this fourth dimension of the year, peculiarly those amongst novel schoolers.

I'll start the ball rolling amongst Bars Week

This twelvemonth is a rushing year. School starts in addition to nosotros direct maintain to start preparing for Chinese New Year's Day equally CNY falls halt of this month. Not much fourth dimension left. So, if you lot don't direct maintain fourth dimension to bake cookies (that takes upwards a lot of fourth dimension to cast each one, brand bars. Bars are slow to make. Press them all inwards a pan in addition to bake, hence cut. Easy peasy.

If you're into grain bars in addition to cringe when it's e'er always e'er likewise sweet, endeavor this.

The exclusively sweetener hither are from the fruits. In fact, I honor it slightly nether sweetened, LOL. I mean, perhaps I'm expecting it to hold upwards sweeter, but it gustation non equally sugariness equally I expected it to be. But it's this degree of sweetness that volition allow you lot to direct maintain slice afterward slice afterward slice without feeling guilty.

I recieved this cookbook equally a Christmas acquaint many years ago, in addition to direct maintain never tried anything from it equally I am non actually interested inwards whatever Fat Free cooking. But since I direct maintain a lot of dried apricots that been sitting my refrigerator for ages, say, to a greater extent than than a year, there's non much of excuse non to endeavor this out.

I recall this volition hold upwards my outset in addition to final endeavor out from this book.
Not because I felt the bars were undersweetened, but the temperature in addition to pan size it reccomended. The baking temperature was likewise high in addition to the pan size was agency likewise huge. It asked for 200C(fan), but I baked mine at 170C(fan) in addition to withal the bars nearly got burnt. So far the oven has been consistent inwards temperature in addition to fourth dimension amongst recipes from reputable authors. It's non my oven's fault, definately. So I'd reccomend it to hold upwards fifty-fifty lower, at 150C(fan). It called for 10X12 pan, but since I didn't direct maintain such a pan, in addition to I looked at the mixture, it wasn't actually that much. I pressed everything into a 8 inch foursquare in addition to yet I could larn a 1cm thick bar. I can't imagine getting a one-half cm thick bar amongst the reccomended pan size. Can you lot imagine how many other things were inaccurate? I dare non endeavor whatever other recipe from this book. This mass shall collect dust from this twenty-four threescore minutes current forward.

Apricot Raisin Bar
Recipe source: The Virtually Fat-Free Cookbook past times Christine McFadden

280gm dried apricots
115gm quick cooking oats
1 tbsp butter, softened (original recipe calls for oil)
150gm dark raisins

rewritten for amend explaination
1. Soak dried apricots inwards H2O overnight. The H2O should hold upwards plenty to comprehend the fruits.
2. Put apricots into a saucepan in addition to simply about of the soaking liquid. Bring to a boil, comprehend amongst lid in addition to lower to a simmer for v minutes or until apricots are soft plenty to hold upwards mashed.
3. Drain apricots in addition to squeeze amongst a fork. You tin purpose a nutrient processor, but it's a waste matter when everything gets stuck hither in addition to there.
4. Mix everything together.
5. Preheat oven to 150(fan)/170C. Prepare a 8 inch shallow foursquare pan, trouble it with overlapping sides.
6. Press the mixture into the pan.
7. Bake for 45 minutes or until golden.
8. Remove from oven in addition to allow it cool downwards inwards pan.
9. Chill for two hours or until theatre in addition to cutting into bars.
10. Store air tight or inwards the refrigerator (in tropical weather)
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