Love To Bake Hot In Addition To Sour Tofu Slices -Tofu # 2

Recipe created inwards July 2011

Remember I had a bird's oculus chilli found inwards my garden? It was real HAWT when my FIL bought it. As fourth dimension went by, it was no longer equally HAWT.

The HAWT chemical compound inwards the chilli is capsaicin in addition to the sum fluctuates depending on the weather. If solar daytime is hot in addition to nights are chilly, so the chilli volition hold out HAWT. If the night's temperature is nonetheless warm, or non much dissimilar from day.. so that's it la... no to a greater extent than HAWT HAWT. So, if you lot ever become to Cameron Highlands, don't purchase flowers for goodness sake. Buy chillies, bird's oculus chilli, that is if you lot similar them HAWT. Taste those grown uphill in addition to reveal the difference.

It's non alone inwards Camerons that you lot tin laissez passer the axe larn HAWT chillies. My friend used to conduct maintain a squealer farm inwards Simpang Pulai. During our Form six days, nosotros volition ever become to the wild ponds almost his farm to fish. After angling nosotros volition produce the fish in addition to swallow fatty obese Kangkung harvested from his farm's ponds. Ponds that are good nourished from the pig's "ahem", thence the fatness of the kangkung. We accept real proficient attention non to comport upon the water. He had bird's oculus chillies inwards his farm likewise in addition to I plucked iii to produce the kangkung. I say you, the oestrus was real very intense! We were coughing piece nosotros ate it, but it was so good! It's a rare occasion in addition to nosotros genuinely savoured the moment. Only iii pcs of inch long chilli sent us chilli freaks coughing. His farm, beingness away from town in addition to almost the limestone hills, were chilly at night.... no joke, there's no fan at his house. Don't fifty-fifty intend of air cond.

My chilli plant, afterward 8 months at my house... is withering now.. saplings are sprouting out from those that dropped.
Dear Chilli plant, RIP. I volition ever recollect you, although you lot weren't equally HAWT equally before.. it's ok. You didn't hateful to.

BTW... HAWT is only my fun agency of spelling Hot, LOL. Just similar Oh my gawd!!
Hot in addition to Sour Tofu Slices
Recipe source: Wendyywy

six pieces of tofu (2x2x1 inch size)
40ml / two Chinese soup spoons of lemon juice (can purpose lime or calamansi)
½ tsp salt
1 heaped Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp finely chopped shallots
½ Tbsp finely chopped garlic
2-3 bird’s oculus chilli, finely sliced
1 Tbsp chopped coriander

1. Slice each block of tofu into six slices.
2. Heat a non stick pan in addition to set approximately crude in. Fry tofu slices (in a few batches) until golden. Dish upward in addition to drain on newspaper towels.
2. Prepare dressing. Combine everything else (except coriander)and stir until the carbohydrate dissolves. Taste. Very real slightly oversalted, hot, sour good pronounced in addition to good balanced alongside the sugar.
3. Toss tofu slices alongside dressing only earlier serving in addition to sprinkle chopped coriander on.
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