Love To Bake Pang Susi - Mff Melaka #2

This bun is called pang susi, bun Susie, pan susie…. no affair how it's spelt, it's a particular bun from the Kristang community inwards Melaka. No, there's no daughter within this bun, non a daughter named Susie. The within is a sweetish spiced minced pork filling wrapped with sugariness white patato dough.

Pang Susi is a Christmas specialty for the Kristang community (Eurasian). I solely got to know virtually this particular bun later on reading upward on Kristang on Wikipedia, merely final week. Last yr Dec, Her World magazine featured Pang Susi every bit purpose of the Christmas recipes selection. I intend I saw that mag, but I brushed it aside, as well as I never knew where I saw it. Maybe at a magazine stall. I can't remember. I posted on Facebook yell for my friends to assist me if they accept this magazine as well as none of them accept this mag. 600 friends as well as none buys Her World. Hmm... anything incorrect hither alongside the magazine? Anyway, Susan Lee-Symons came to my rescue as well as sent me a recipe inwards a Eurasian cookbook that she owns, in PDF format. Thanks Susan!

I know at that spot are other recipes establish on another sites, but later on reading, they seem to audio nyonya similar instead. This recipe past times a Eurasian seem to differ from those that uses wintertime melon or a staff of life dough every bit crust. I'm definitely going to endeavour the Kristang version.

The morn I made this, my wife came into the kitchen correct later on I grind my spices (Yes, I grind them freshly alongside the mill), as well as he asked me what's that pong? Well, he's non a spice lover. But later on he had a few buns, he asked me whether I am going to construct these again. LOL. I told him, minced pork 0 stock inwards freezer. He loved these despite the pong he smelled that morning.

The spices didn't gustation overpowering, instead, it goes real good alongside the meat. I did trim back it slightly to 1/3 tsp because my spices are freshly ground. Store bought solid soil spices volition live on fainter, thus you lot volition demand the master copy amount. I intend I tin transportation away create the mince for dinner itself, every bit a condiment for evidently rice porridge, yummy! But delight accept about patience when it comes to browning the onions, if the onions are non cooked enough, as well as then it won't live on every bit nice. You must allow it caramelize a fighting to choose out the best flavour.

Personally these buns are nice, but I produce detect them a fighting on the oily side. Maybe it's supposed to live on similar a yeasted pastry, to a greater extent than than a bread/bun, you lot know similar that. Pastry non bread..... But it gustation similar bread. The method to construct the dough is also similar the shortcrust pastry method, but I added inwards about kneading although the pedagogy didn't advert it. I also allow the buns proof for a piece later on forming, as well as that isn't stated inwards the recipe too.

The recipe on the whole is pretty accurate downward to the seasonings, except for the telephone telephone for two large sugariness potatoes. Large? That's pretty ambigous and some large ones tin transportation away live on upward to 500gm each or 800gm each. Yes, I've seen actually large ones before. Somewhere inwards the instructions, it is said to retain 200gm of sugariness white patato puree. I gave a sigh of relief. I'll merely commencement alongside 250gm then, as well as of which is merely 1 palm lengthed one. Is that large to you? It's merely rather smallish to me. Puree weight lost is anticipated from the cooking, blending as well as scraping.. let's live on prophylactic that the required amount volition all the same remain, but non excessive. Oh yes, delight purchase at to the lowest degree 350gm of sugariness potatoes, as well as anticipate pare lost, or rotten parts. You won't know what you lot get, until you lot peel it. Slightly extra tin transportation away live on eaten.

Pang Susie
Adapted  from: The Eurasian Cookbook past times Mary Gomes.
Method written based on my ain experience

400gm minced pork/chicken
200gm onions, finely diced
two Tbsp oil
½ tsp solid soil nutmeg
½ tsp solid soil cloves
½ tsp solid soil cinnamon
½ tsp salt
1 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp night caramel sauce

1. Mix minced pork alongside spices. Set aside.
2. Heat a wok, seat inwards fossil oil as well as sauté onions until lightly browned.
3. Put inwards minced meat as well as create until meat turns opaque.
4. Put inwards salt, saccharide as well as caramel sauce.
5. Cook until at that spot are no visible liquids, but meat should all the same experience moist.
6. Cool minced meat as well as freeze for 10 minutes or until meat is mutual frigidity as well as firm.
7. Separate filling into xvi portions as well as shape each part oblong similar eggs (not similar mini sausages). Keep chilled until fourth dimension of use.

250gm sugariness white patato flesh (raw)
300gm evidently flour
70gm sugar
1.5 tsp instant yeast
100gm butter

two Tbsp milk (original was evaporated milk)
two Tbsp brandy (I used milk instead)
1 egg yolk

1 egg yolk

1. Cut sugariness white patato into chunks as well as boil (not steam) until soft. Drain as well as allow it cool down. Puree as well as weigh out 200gm.
2. Combine flour, yeast as well as saccharide together. Mix to combine.
3. Put inwards butter as well as rub it in, until everything looks similar fine crumbs (I used the paddle attachment).
4. Put inwards sugariness white patato puree, egg yolk as well as milk.
5. Knead until a smoothen dough forms. (I used claw attachment as well as kneaded on Speed 4/10 for v mins).
6. Leave it for xxx minutes ,covered. (use this fourth dimension to construct clean upward the kitchen, or shape the filling)
7. Separate dough into xvi pieces. Roll dough, twine alongside filling as well as seal edges. (see picture). Shape the buns similar rugby ball.
8. Let the wrapped buns proof for xxx minutes.
9. Preheat oven at 160(fan)/180C as well as bake the buns for 25 mins. (Mine was gear upward past times 22mins)
10. Remove from oven as well as brush on beaten egg yolk immediately. (I seat the buns dorsum into the hot oven for v minutes)

xvi pieces as well as all gone inwards 1 twenty-four hours alongside rationing, LOL

I am submitting this to Cindy of Yummy Little Cooks
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