Love To Bake Parker Menage Rolls - Apparently Rolls #2

Recipe tried out inwards October 2011

Wait.... you lot must endure thinking these await similar clams... LOL.
Cute as well as rattling delicious! 

1. It has a beautiful crisp but tender crust but 1 time u seize amongst teeth into you, you lot are welcomed amongst soft bread. It's similar having a micro sparse shortbread every bit crust, larn what I mean?
2. It is rattling buttery, as well as I didn’t fifty-fifty slather on to a greater extent than butter. Yummy!

Parker identify rolls are characterized every bit buttered twice, 1 time on the within as well as 1 time on the exterior earlier it’s existence baked, which explains the crispy tender crust as well as its buttery flavor. And they come upwards folded! It is invented yesteryear the Parker House Hotel inwards Boston as well as is notwithstanding served today.

These rolls are made using all role flour as well as the texture is dissimilar from those made from staff of life flour, the gluten strands don’t await that long but it’s soft when warm. I’ve seen some recipes using one-half staff of life flour but I only desire to effort out this recipe amongst all all-purpose flour every bit per the recipe to come across how it’ll fare. After eating these rolls, I cry back staff of life flour should never endure used inwards this recipe, if non it'll lose that shortbread crust. The long kneading amongst staff of life flour volition non laissez passer you lot this type of mouthfeel. So, I'll notwithstanding stick to 100% all role if I'm making these again

I chose a flour amongst a higher poly peptide content. Nowadays all role flours comes inwards packages amongst nutritional value as well as you lot tin come across the poly peptide content. Some comes amongst 9% protein, some 9.5% some 9.8%. And I bring all three at home. Hahah! I exercise 9% for cakes n pastries, as well as 9.5% higher upwards for bread/pau. And for full general flour dusting either 1 goes. Which explains why some say, this flour is nicer for cake, that non dainty for cake. Although all are all-purpose flour or patently flour that you lot tin larn from whatsoever grocery shop. So, mayhap forthwith you’d know why. Whether the flour is nutritionally enriched or not… Frankly I don’t bother to pay double for the shaver “human added” enrichment. I tin easily enrich it amongst eggs as well as milk as well as all other natural sources of proficient nutrients. I only await at the poly peptide content as well as price. But I won’t heed paying for organic flour, because if it has goodness inwards it, it’s non added yesteryear humans on purpose.

Best eaten when warm to bask the especial crust. It's ok, eaten later on cooled downward for few hours, but the especial crust is gone yesteryear as well as thus due to wet from within the bread. Just reheat inwards a hot oven to bask the crust again. These rolls didn't final whatsoever longer than eighteen hours inwards the house. Gone!

Although this recipe is good, but I already bring plans inwards my caput for shaver twitching, haha..
Oh yes, if you lot don't heed the tackiness, you lot mitt manually knead it. Don't endure tempted to add together to a greater extent than flour.

Parker House Rolls
Source: Martha Stewart
Recipe converted to metric amongst shaver adaptations : Wendyywy

450gm all role flour (select those amongst poly peptide levels 9.5% above)
50gm sugar
5gm salt
250gm milk
1 large egg
75gm butter
10gm instant yeast

50gm butter, melted as well as left to cool to room temperature(still liquidy, but thick)

1. Combine everything except butter as well as shape a dough. Put inwards butter as well as knead on speed ii for 10 minutes (if manually kneading, knead until it is longer sticky, but the dough is a chip tacky)
2. Cover as well as allow dough proof until double. (Mine took 1 hr 45 minutes because my milk, butter as well as egg are all cold)
3. Divide dough into 24 pieces (about 36-38gm each) or xvi pieces (about 55gm each) curlicue them into circular balls.
4. Lightly flatten them as well as brush surface amongst butter. Fold into half. Arrange on baking tray. Repeat amongst all the dough balls.
5. Brush remaining butter onto folded dough. Finish upwards the butter, endure generous.(need that butter to create that "shortbread" crust)
6. Let dough proof for xxx minutes as well as bake them for xv minutes inwards a preheated oven 150/170C.

And I had a helper

She loves baking bread.. or let's say, play amongst dough.
But she eats whatever she makes. So, it's ok.
And she demands to swallow her ain products, fifty-fifty though it's deformed, to her, that's art.

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