Love To Bake Random Sunday :- Jintan Manis - Is It Fennel Or Aniseed???

here as well as here), fennel seeds were used inwards to a greater extent than or less recipes because fennel is a galactagogue (aids inwards lactating). I was asked, whether it is jintan manis or jintan kasar inwards the Malay Language. Or is the jintan manis non fennel or it's aniseed. So many beingness confused. I myself, although am convinced that fennel is jintan manis, but am no certain what are those on my spice rack.

Ok, to solve the mystery, I planted to a greater extent than or less Jintan Manis that I took off my spice rack. Why did I found it?
Simply because Aniseed as well as Fennel flowers differently. The way you lot tin forcefulness out actually discovery out is to hold off at the flowers as well as leaves. See it alongside out real ain eyes.

Remember this pic from My Garden post?

Seed name: aniseed
Chinese mention - 茴芹 (Read here for Chinese)

Seed mention : Fennel seeds
Chinese name- 小茴香 (Read here for Chinese)

So, afterwards you lot run into my flowers, what produce you lot recollect Jintan Manis is???

You all may endure thinking, woweee.. tin forcefulness out found fennel agency tin forcefulness out reap the bulbs as well as cook. Nah! This diversity that nosotros accept doesn't bulb. I read that alone the Florence diversity bulbs. Yikes, such an anti climax. But the leaves tin forcefulness out endure eaten, similar the way 1 uses dill. I've seen to a greater extent than or less mainland Chinese blogs using this to brand omelette, yeah fennel frond omelette.

Mystery Solved!

and I reaped a lot of organic fennel seeds from simply a few sown.

Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: