Love To Bake Beetroot Together With Sweetcorn Soup - Soup Calendar Week #1

I was attracted to this past times the colour. I’ve never seen a Chinese soup using beetroot. So, this is a must essay for me. Few times at Jusco, I can’t larn squeamish beetroots, in addition to hence I in conclusion got a squeamish blemish free, withal plump beetroot. But hence I forgot the white radish/daikon, but I ordinarily prefer to larn the slim in addition to curvy type at a Malay vendor inwards KK. That diverseness gustation much improve than the fatty plump ask variety.

But on the solar daytime I wanted to boil this, it rained cats in addition to dogs, in addition to I couldn’t become out to larn my white radish. So, I only skipped it. It mightiness withal gustation good, fingers crossed : )

Beetroot in addition to Sweetcorn soup
Recipe adapted from : The Sweet Spot

400gm beetroot
ii ears of corn
200gm waterchestnut (7 large ones)
200gm carrots (2 medium ones)
200gm pork loin or lean pork, or 300gm pork ribs
2.5L H2O (10 bowls)

1. Bring the H2O to boil.
2. Peel beetroot, cutting into chunks.
3. Peel waterchestnuts, cutting into halves.
4. Peel carrots, cutting into slanting chunks
5. Shuck the corn in addition to cutting into chunks
6. Cut pork into smaller pieces.
7. When H2O has come upwardly to a boil, seat inwards everything in addition to allow it simmer for ii hours.
8. Season amongst salt.

Yummy. Everybody loved this soup particularly my Mother inwards Law.

Thanks Swee San for this cute soup... Oh yes, I create honor this cute.

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