Love To Bake Braised Mushrooms Amongst Dried Oysters Too Scallops - Cny Calendar Week #2

Braised mushrooms is a favourite at my house. But my mom does it alongside leeks, fried chicken feet as well as roasted pork, a version I dubiety Mike’s identify unit of measurement volition like.

Since getting married, I never went dwelling solid for novel twelvemonth eve’s Reunion Dinner. Well, we’re non supposed to, cos i time married you lot direct maintain to eat at your husband’s equally you lot instantly belong to that family. I produce know that many practice alternating or eat at both sides nowadays, but that is unless you lot rest a body of body of water away (for alternate years) or rest inside xxx mins drive to eat at both sides, as well as also provided it’s eating out where no piece of job at dwelling solid is done. But traditionally, it’s e'er at the husband’s side. I’ve never seen my mom going dwelling solid for dinner. Neither produce my sis inwards laws who rest walking distances away. They rest throughout the dinner as well as may drib yesteryear their parent’s solid afterward that for a chat alongside their siblings, but never for reunion dinner. It’s an understood custom. My mom calls it a "LAW".

So, for five years, I’ve never had reunion dinner at home. At Mike’s place, nosotros portion the cooking work. His aunts volition produce to a greater extent than or less dishes as well as I’ll produce some. And every twelvemonth I wonder why is at that spot no mushroom dishes. Is it that they produce non know how to produce it because since Mike’s grandma passed away, a lot of recipes followed inwards her footsteps too. So, I made this but non the version I had at home, equally they don’t eat chicken feet.
I made upward the recipe based on two persons. My third uncle volition e'er braise his mushrooms inwards garlic crude broth earlier he adds inwards other flavours as well as meat. My mom told me, dried oysters gustation a lot amend than oyster sauce as well as a few pieces inwards braises totally perks things up. And it as well as therefore happened that I direct maintain to a greater extent than or less dried oysters as well as to a greater extent than or less scallops that has been sitting chilled inwards my refrigerator for almost iii years.

Here, I acquaint to you lot my initiatory endeavor inwards braising mushrooms as well as I’m really happy alongside the result. Flavourful as well as fragrant. I didn’t involve to add together whatever saccharide equally the scallop was sweetness plenty as well as I didn’t involve whatever other sauces(besides the basic soy sauce) to flavour the dish equally the oyster gave out as well as therefore much flavour to the dish. I didn’t fifty-fifty operate salt.

But, it was labled equally “old people’s dish” when it arrived at the dinner location. The younger generation didn’t appreciate the dish but the older folks loved it. I was told that alone Mike’s grandma volition create this, as well as since immature my hubby volition telephone telephone it “old folk’s dish” as well as he said instantly he’s getting older already, he loved it. What a squeamish explanation. Huh! Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 far outcry from my identify unit of measurement where braised mushrooms are loved yesteryear the immature as well as old.
I don’t mean value I’ll last cooking this for adjacent year’s reunion dinner. If ever they inquire for this dish again, I’ll produce a much smaller portion. I mean value I’ll simply fry chicken to feed those kids inwards their belatedly 20’s adjacent year.

Braised Mushrooms alongside Dried Scallop as well as Oysters
Recipe Source: Wendyywy
Serves 12-20 (depends on how much they eat)

200gm dried shitake/Chinese mushrooms, soaked for 1 hr or overnight
50gm dried oysters (10 pcs)
50gm dried scallops/conpoy (5 large pieces close 2cm diameter)
two tbsp calorie-free soy sauce (30ml)
1 Tbsp black soy sauce (15ml)
1 Tbsp Shao Xing vino (15ml)
1 bulb of garlic, peeled as well as finely chopped
four Tbsp cooking crude (you produce involve this amount of crude to brand the mushrooms await shiny as well as gustation smooth)
1 tsp cornstarch +3 tbsp H2O (may involve to a greater extent than if non thick enough)

1. Clean mushrooms as well as snip smaller if they are too big. Squeeze mushrooms to take excess water.
2. Rinse oysters as well as scallops.
3. Heat a heavy based pot as well as set inwards oil.
4. Put inwards chopped garlic as well as sauté until it smells fragrant, no involve to last golden.
5. Put inwards cleaned mushrooms as well as stir until coated alongside oil.
6. Put inwards rinsed oysters as well as scallops, Stir to mix around.
7. Put inwards water, plenty to encompass mushrooms.
8. Bring to a boil, encompass alongside lid as well as plough rut to low.
9. Braise for two hours. Check pot i time a piece to brand certain the liquid inwards pot doesn’t dry out up.
10. After two hours, flavour alongside soy sauces as well as Shao Xing wine.
11. Continue to simmer for five minutes.
12. Prepare cornstarch mixture as well as thicken gravy according to preference.
13. Dish upward as well as garnish alongside blanched veggies.

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