Love To Bake Braised Taro Amongst Kai Lan - Brassica Trio #1

Brassicas or Crucifers are a grouping of vegetables that include materials similar cabbages, choy sum, radish, daikon, mustard, brussels sprouts, cauliflowers as well as broccoli. Brassicas are expert for you lot equally they are high inwards vitamin C, soluble fibre as well as comprise multiple nutrients as well as phytochemicals amongst potential anti-cancer properties. Most of the vegetables nosotros eat are from this family, fifty-fifty Wasabi is.

Kailan is a fellow member of the Brassica family. It has leaves that seem to convey a layer of bloom over it. When I was a kid, I was scared to eat it, because I was told past times my “smart” brother, that whitish silvery layer contains mercury. Well, upwardly until today, I don’t mean value I nonetheless believe that, but as well as thus again, I don’t know how much truth at that topographic point is to there. Haha!

When I saw this dish on Elin’s, I knew I only got to endeavour this. It’s thus special. I mean value she used the same type of kailan equally I did. Or mayhap she actually did purpose babe kailans equally I can’t actually run across from the pics. FYI, babe kailans hither are actually miniature kailan, that actually looks similar a kailan amongst long petioles, a stalk but inwards miniature form. The stalk is only anywhere 5mm-8mm thick only. But it’s long, upwardly to half dozen inches inwards length. Hong Kong kailan is virtually the same length, but the stems are fatter as well as leaves are thicker. But looks wise, similar. Regular kailans tin convey stems amongst similar width equally Hong Kong Kailans but much larger, upwardly to 1 ft inwards length. But as well as thus again, experience gratis to purpose whichever kailan you lot prefer.

Braised Taro amongst Kailan
Recipe source: Elin Luv Tidbits

250gm taro (cleaned weight), cutting thumbsized
two Tbsp dried shrimp
two cloves garlic, finely minced
½ tsp sugar
½ tsp salt
Pepper to taste
two cups water

500gm Hong Kong Kailan
1 tsp salt
1 Tbsp oil

1. Bring a pot of H2O to boil.
2. Put inwards tabular array salt as well as oil. Blanch kalian for 1-2 minutes (I similar mine non besides cooked)
3. Remove from H2O as well as rinse amongst mutual frigidity water. Set aside. (Or you lot tin create pace 1-3 piece you lot braise the taro, if you lot convey to a greater extent than than 1 available stove)
4. In a wok, rut upwardly as well as set inwards two tbsp of cooking oil.
5. Put inwards garlic as well as dried shrimp as well as fry until fragrant.
6. Put inwards taro as well as ready for 1 minute. Put inwards H2O as well as simmer on medium depression rut until taro turns soft as well as the gravy looks creamy. (Remember to cheque H2O 1 time a while)
7. Put inwards salt, carbohydrate as well as pepper.
8. Return blanched kailan to wok as well as toss it around. Cook until the kalian warms upwardly again.
9. Dish upwardly as well as serve.

*It's a combat miserable that my taro is non that creamy, no affair how long I braise it. Buying taro is sometimes similar buying lottery. Haha. Even Thai taro may non laissez passer me favourable results each time. But the overall dish is indeed nice.

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