Love To Bake Kwong Sai (Guangxi) Stuffed Tofu 广西酿豆腐 - Heritage Calendar Week # 2

My mother's parents came from GuangXi, China. If you've heard of the beautiful mountains of GuiLin, that is located in GuangXi. But my maternal grandparents are non from GuiLin, but from Rongxian 容县, which is located inwards the South of Guangxi. So that makes me one-half Cantonese one-half Guangxi. Can I speak the Guangxi dialect? My mom refused to learn us, proverb that this dialect is of no purpose here. No 1 speaks it, hence there's no demand to learn. My mom speaks Guangxi, Cantonese, Hakka, Teochew in addition to Hokkien. But her kids tin alone speak Cantonese. Pathetic.... I may non know how to speak the dialect, but 1 time I withdraw heed someone proverb "Ngo Eew Lei " (I'm calling you) I know that soul is of Kwong Sai source equally they speak "call" equally "Eew", dissimilar Cantonese it's  "gew", or Hokkien is "giu", or Hakka it's "gew" equally well. KwongSais volition 'Eew" you.

When the KwongSai Chinese came to the hence Federation of Malay States, they settled inwards areas where at that spot are mines and rubber estates, doing 'dirty jobs' that is non done past times the other dialects (Hokkien-businesses similar  grocery shops, Hainanese-food, Hakka in addition to Cantonese -Mining, Teochew-rice in addition to liquor) Most of those inwards Perak settled along Perak river, by in addition to large from mid Perak upwards to the north. Towns similar Lenggong, Manong, in addition to Kuala Kangsar in addition to all pocket-size villages nearby these towns is where you lot abide by the most KwongSai Chinese. Other places with lots of Kwong Sais are inwards Pahang-- Bentong in addition to Mentakab. If anyone that knows the whereabout of other Kwong Sais, delight tell me. I'd love to know.There is 1 facial trait alongside the KwongSai, in addition to that is the brow 广西额头 which is typically broad in addition to flat, with a high hairline. My friends who are KwongSais peculiarly the men, they practise possess this typical brow (I won't say all, but merely those that I hand to know). Even my mom has it, hence does my brother.

I'm certain most would accept heard of Hakka Yongtofu. What nigh KwongSai Yongtofu?

I recall eating this dish 1 time at my maternal grandpa's in addition to I tin recall how much I hated it. Even when I was a kid, I practise swallow chinese chives. But this stuffed tofu variety of puts me off due to the smell. But when I had this 1 time again few years agone inwards KK, which has a lot of Kwong Sai people, I brutal inwards love with it. It shows, I've matured, LOL.

Put H2O into the steamer in addition to into the dish. If non the tofu volition live on dry

During mom's rest with me when Mike went to KL for a merchandise fair over the weekend., I took this chance to laid upwards this for my dearie mom the same twenty-four hours I did Puppy Duck. She told me, it's a special delicacy prepared alone during special occasions similar ancestral memorial days (生忌死忌), Chinese New Year, mid-autumn festival , hence on in addition to hence forth. Grandma volition brand a lot, a whole large pot of it in addition to everybody volition live on feasting on them. It was the alone type of stuffed tofu my mom knew until much later. Mom said, grandma volition stack the tofu inwards a pot, seat some H2O into the pot, in addition to "steam-boil" the stuffed tofu. The tofus are genuinely sitting inwards the steaming liquid. When the tofu's filling surface are set, hence to a greater extent than H2O is added inwards to simmer the tofu and this creates a broth that is super delicious with rice.

Because I didn't brand equally many equally grandma did, say... non fifty-fifty 10% of it,  (LOL, yes, she made to a greater extent than than 100 each fourth dimension to feed to a greater extent than than 12 mouths), I alone steamed them instead of "steam-boiling" them. Adding H2O into the dish piece steaming created a real moist tofu in addition to it was delicious. The H2O was almost all absorbed past times the tofu.

When the tofus came out from the steamer, I took 1 in addition to ate. I asked mom to chop-chop come upwards in addition to swallow piece it's even hence hot. Mom took one, sank her teeth in...............her eyes closed............ one-half smiling one-half laughing...."Oh hence delicious!!!" Trying difficult to withhold all the juices equally they were one-half dripping from her mouth.
Nothing beats the grin on my mother's confront on that moment. My pump was totally warm in addition to fuzzy to come across her enjoying it. She told me, it's been hence long since she's eaten this, in addition to she kept on talking nigh how her mom made this in addition to all the stories related to this tofu. That is 100% satisfaction for me to come across the joy on my mother's face.

With this successful endeavour out, I made double batch of this for my mom to convey home. My pure Cantonese sis inwards laws also enjoyed this stuffed tofu in addition to it's a start for them to gustatory modality this.

So, here's 1 of my mother's favourite, Kwong Sai Stuffed Tofu
Whatever changes you lot desire to brand to this recipe, never modify the tofu puffs, pork in addition to chives equally ingredients.
It's what makes it Kwong Sai style.

KwongSai (Guangxi) Stuffed Tofu
Recipe source: Wendyywy's mother

100gm minced pork (20% fat)
50gm fish paste (if purpose fish flesh, add together *)
50gm Chinese chives, chopped
¼ tsp salt
Dash of pepper
1 tsp cornstarch
vii pieces of tofu puff (more of less depending on the size of your tofu puff) or called locally as 'taufupok"

*If using fish flesh instead of paste, add together inwards additional 1/8 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp sugar, ½ tsp cornstarch, 25ml water. Recipe for fish paste  here . Use the glue raw inwards this recipe.

1. Mix all the ingredients together except tofu puff to shape a viscid filling.
2. Cut a hole inwards tofu puff, in addition to materials the cuttings dorsum into the tofu puff.
3. Fill the tofupok with fillings until full.
4. Arrange stuffed tofu on steaming dish (must live on deep) in addition to create total the dish with boiling H2O (half means upwards the tofu)
5. Steam on high rut for 20 minutes.

Or you lot tin create total it upwards this way, with a slit

I made these the side past times side day for my mom to convey home

And come across Lyanne.... the 1/4 Kwong Sai girl,
I'm half, so, she's 1/4, see....

I'm submitting this to Edith's Heritage Food Trail event

Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: