Love To Bake Pandan Lacy Crepes - Pancake Quad # 1

I made this for tea. And I gobbled it all upward past times myself. Leaving non for my girls. Haha! So bad of me.

Well, they were napping too I was hungry. I had about pandan leaves inwards the refrigerator too about kokosnoot milk thus why non brand something uncomplicated too nice. Haha, I tin sack withal brand these for them tomorrow.

This is a sweetness version for roti jala (lacy crepes). Roti jala is a Malay crepe, that is unremarkably xanthous too eaten alongside curry. But I decided to plough it into a sweetness version, too dark-green alongside pandan. Actually I had this persuasion long ago, which was why I got this bottle from Daiso much before on. I bring read inwards about blogs proverb the park roti jala loving cup is a menace to use. And I saw i daughter improvising past times poking holes into the cap of a mineral H2O bottle. Well, bottles are definitely easier to work equally i tin sack easily add together pressure level past times squeezing. You can’t suit the pressure level alongside cups. So, if y'all don’t bring a bottle similar mine, simply pick out grip of an empty small-scale mineral H2O bottle too poke the cap. You volition bring a DIY squeezing bottle.

It was raining past times the fourth dimension I had this done. Tea fourth dimension alongside rain... nice!

Pandan Lacy Crepes
Recipe Source: Wendyywy
Yields : half dozen pieces

40gm all role flour
50gm egg
50gm pandan juice (no postulate to live on equally good thick)
25gm thick kokosnoot milk
Very really small-scale pinch of salt
Kaya too bananas for serving

1. Mix eggs, pandan juice too kokosnoot milk together.
2. Put flour too tabular array salt into a bowl. Pour 1/3 of the liquid onto the flour too alongside a whisk, stir vigourously. Add to a greater extent than liquid equally y'all stir until the batter turns smoothen too lump free.
3. Leave batter for xv minutes at least. Pour batter into a “holey” bottle.
4. Put a few drops of fossil oil into non stick frying pan. Wipe away excess alongside tissue/paper towel. Heat the pan on medium low.
5. Drizzle batter into pan, creating a lacy effect.
6. When the batter turns matte too is cooked, crease crepe into quarters correct inwards pan before removing.
7. Serve alongside your favourite kaya too about sliced bananas.

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