Love To Bake Salted Egg White Tofu

Why waste materials the salted egg whites? Salted eggs are no longer every bit salty every bit yonder years. I scream upwardly when I was a kid, I’d squince when I swallow the salted egg whites as well as would exclusively gain got yolks.
But the salted eggs exhibit appear to gain got lost their salt. Not that salty, but withal salty.

Many months back, some fourth dimension approximately Chinese New Year, I was trying to use upwardly thirty egg whites afterwards making a Prune Layered Cake. H5N1 blogger friend, SK Fong suggested I brand tofu alongside egg whites. Yeah, rather than making yellowish tofu, egg whites are perfect to retain the whiteness of the soy milk.

So, what I did alongside the three salted egg whites from the salted egg yolk chicken, is to brand this into a steamed tofu dish. But as well as hence again, delight sense of savor the egg whites earlier you lot embark on this. Add additional regular eggs if your egg whites are salty as well as add together to a greater extent than soy milk. Just expire on the ratio of egg to soy milk, 1:2 as well as you’ll hold out fine.

Salted Egg White Tofu
Recipe source: Wendyywy, inspired past times SKFong

three salted egg whites, nearly ½ cup
1 loving cup unsweetened soy milk (actually tin purpose 300ml, 250ml is quite firm)
1 sprig jump onion, thinly sliced
1 tsp cooking oil
two drops of sesame oil

1. Prepare steamer as well as convey H2O to a boil.
2. Meanwhile, combine egg whites alongside soy milk, whisk to combine.
3. Put cooking crude as well as sesame crude inwards steaming dish. Rub alongside fingers or brush hence that the dish volition hold out good oiled.
4. Pour the egg white mixture into prepared dish as well as sprinkle sliced jump onions onto the egg.
5. Steam on medium depression heat(lid on) for 10 minutes or until set. Touch the centre of the tofu, if it has turned solid as well as nada sticks to your fingers, it’s done.

Verdict: Somehow this steamed tofu is much firmer than my other homemade egg tofu. But it's slightly crunchy, similar egg whites usually are. It could hold out due to the eggs beingness merely egg whites as well as non whole eggs. Egg whites gain got improve coagulating result than yolks. The jump onions added a wonderful odour to the tofu. Delicious!

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