Love To Bake Hakka Beetroot Xiban 甜菜根客家喜粄

When I saw a kuih called ki ka ku on Sonia's blog, I was totally intrigued. Then afterwards I establish that it was truly a traditional hakka steamed chewy bun called 喜粄, "Xi Ban", translated every bit "Dough of Joy"

I tried making this alongside some adaptations from Sonia's recipe

Hakka Beetroot XiBan
Recipe adapted from Sonia

250g Glutinous rice flour
300g All piece of occupation flour
150g Caster sugar  (you may increase, if you lot desire sweeter)
50g Shortening
1 ½ tsp Yeast
300g Beetroot infused Water (boil some peeled beetroot chunks inwards 350ml H2O for xv mins, merely utilization the water), utilization to a greater extent than if needed
Banana leaves (soften inwards hot water, cutting into circular shape)

1. Mix all ingredients inwards a mixing bowl, knead until soft in addition to smooth.
2. Divide dough to equal component division (about 40g), kind into modest circular ball. Grease your mitt alongside some cooking oil, house modest circular ball on the banana leaf, in addition to flatten the dough past times pressing your palm on the dough ball.
3. Cover alongside cling celluloid in addition to balance for 1hour
4. Steam over hot boiling H2O for 15mins or until cooked

Frankly speaking, this bun looks similar a regular bun when torn, but it's chewy similar a mochi. My hubby didn't quite similar it every bit it was every bit good chewy for him, but it was fine for me. Colour wise, I was rather dissapointed when it turned into a swell hue instead of remaining pink. And I steamed the buns inwards iii batches, every bit my wok tin alone accomodate nine at a time. And all iii batches came out alongside dissimilar colours. You tin encounter iii out my iv buns inwards the pics comes inwards dissimilar hues. The adjacent day, the bun was crumbly without steaming, something similar a scone. So, I'd tell this bun is best eaten on the 24-hour interval it is made.

I did some other recipe, alongside a much longer fermentation period, sentinel out for the postal service :)
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