Love To Bake Making Dulce De Leche From Sweetened Condensed Milk

Pronounced, Dool-say De Leshay. It’s inwards Castilian in addition to it means, milk caramel. You mightiness stimulate got heard well-nigh it (U can't stimulate got missed it if u read my Dulce de Leche cake post) or you lot mightiness stimulate got not. It’s non a mutual constituent inwards the local baking scene.

So, how to construct it? Few methods I’ve listed them here

Method (A)
Milk , sugar, baking soda in addition to mayhap about flavourings similar vanilla or cinnamon.
1. Traditional simmering
2. Slow Cooker
2. Microwaving :
1. Simmering a tin of sweetened condensed milk for 2-3 hours

I tried out method (C)1. Simmering the tin unopened.
I’m non certain if this volition locomote amongst Malaysian “palm crude oil based” sweetened creamers.. I mightiness experiment making this amongst sum cream evaporated milk in addition to saccharide adjacent time, cos I don’t larn these existent milk goo everytime from Singapore.

Updated 7/3/12: There is Sweetened Condensed FILLED milk (take non it's not sum cream, in addition to it's partially made amongst palm oil) on the supermarket shelves inwards Malaysia (after this postal service came out). Comes inwards iii brands, Teapot, Marigold in addition to F&N. Results are acceptable, I've made DDL using these few times before, non every bit fragrant, but texture is there. Better than nothing, right?

My dearest Malaysian friends, you lot can't discovery "FULL CREAM SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK" on the shelves anymore. There is Milkmaid, yes, but it's Sweetened Creamer. Please scold the authorities for cost controls which forced the manufacturers to sell us palm inwardness crude oil creamers. Palm inwardness crude oil is non the same every bit palm oil. Palm crude oil is the crude oil from the mesocarp(the outer flesh), whereas palm inwardness crude oil is from the "nut", simply similar kokosnoot oil. Oh ya, non dairy topping creams are made using palm inwardness crude oil too. I saw that on the labels. So, I create show to purpose dairy or buttercream now, unless I can't avoid it but purpose non dairy topping cream.

Actually I prefer the non High Calcium version of this milk. Having to a greater extent than added calcium to it gives it a metallic element taste, simply similar whatever other Hi-Calcium drinks, something that I volition avoid if possible. But since this milk is a gift from Lydia's Nanny, I stimulate got no choice lor. After making it into DDL, the metallic element gustation is non obvious anymore.

I position it inwards a pot, on an overturned steaming rack. Brought it to a boil (lid on) and lowered it to a simmer. I had the H2O 1.5 inches higher upwardly the can. I simmered the tin for almost four hours, cos I forgot well-nigh it. I was doing my blog. I was supposed to create it for iii hours only.
Don't worry, my the pot didn't lose much H2O in addition to at that spot was notwithstanding 1 cm of H2O over the can. As long every bit the pot didn't dry out up, you'll live on alright.

I allow the tin of milk cool downwards inwards the pot until the H2O is warm. Then I fished it out in addition to allow the tin COOL COMPLETELY earlier opening it. Do non show to opened upwardly a hot or warm can!!!!

Tadaah!!! Pretty caramelly goo... Taste in addition to then good. You tin purpose it to spread on your toast or construct something amongst it, similar what I did amongst my Dulce de Leche Cake. I'll create something else later, rest tuned.

I read from the internet that the best Dulce De Leche are made from Goat’s Milk and.. they’re from Argentina. If solely somebody would ship me some… I won’t involve heed if it’s from somewhere else other than Argentine Republic , every bit long every bit it’s dulce de leche. Canned ones similar Nestle are gladly welcomed likewise 
I’ll ship u something inwards return.
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: