Love To Bake Steamed Sweetness Spud Mantou

 I used to brand this past times guesstimate concluding fourth dimension Love to Bake Steamed Sweet Potato Mantou
 I used to brand this past times guesstimate concluding fourth dimension Love to Bake Steamed Sweet Potato Mantou

Mantou or steamed patently buns, are dainty to eat. Be it on its ain or dipped inwards gravy. It's good.

I used to brand this past times guesstimate concluding time, simply now, I made an exact formula for it. This method of shaping was taught past times my MIL. She used to brand freaking practiced Sweet Potato Buns, altho I've never tasted them b4, they sold similar hot cakes dorsum when she made them for sale. Mike said they(MIL's) were good, really good. Well, this is non her recipe, she's lost hers. Too bad for me!

Steamed Sweet Potato Mantou/Buns Recipe
500gm pau flour
250gm steamed orangish sugariness potato.
100gm sugar
one Tbsp double activity baking powder
½ tsp salt
40gm shortening, melted
11gm yeast (1sachet)
½ tsp sugar
150ml water

1. Proof yeast amongst 1/2 tsp saccharide together with H2O until it froths.
2. Mix flour, D.A. B/P , saccharide together with tabular array salt together. Knead inwards steamed sugariness potatoes. Flour mixture volition expect crumbly.
3. Pour inwards frothy yeast mixture together with combine to shape a dough. Knead until dough no longer glutinous together with turns smooth. Add to a greater extent than flour if it's also glutinous or to a greater extent than water(by the teaspoon) if it's means also dry. Only add together inwards to a greater extent than H2O if u cannot get together all the flour into the dough. How much H2O depends on the wet content of the sugariness potato4. When dough is smooth, knead inwards melted shortening, until dough no longer feels oily.
5. Leave to proof until double, nearly an hour.
6. Punch downwards together with knead for about other minute. Divide dough into 35gm pieces, together with shape every bit u like. Leave to proof until shaped mantou has doubled.
7. Steam on high estrus for 12-15 minutes.

The Method of Shaping Sweet Potato Bun
 I used to brand this past times guesstimate concluding fourth dimension Love to Bake Steamed Sweet Potato Mantou

 I used to brand this past times guesstimate concluding fourth dimension Love to Bake Steamed Sweet Potato Mantou

The bounty.... all doubled up, fix for the steamer
 I used to brand this past times guesstimate concluding fourth dimension Love to Bake Steamed Sweet Potato Mantou

Steamed together with yummy, fix for my tummy
 I used to brand this past times guesstimate concluding fourth dimension Love to Bake Steamed Sweet Potato Mantou

Updated 17/4/2013: Video on how to shape the buns

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