Love To Bake Sweetness Staff Of Life & Buns

I've been trying to brand sweetness buns amongst sweetness as well as savoury fillings lately.

I knead past times hand.... as well as it takes me to a greater extent than than thirty sweating minutes to knead 500 gm flour.
I don't get got the guts to role my mitt held mixer to knead the bread... I'm scared it'll explode land I'm belongings to it. It's tough work!
Anyone out at that spot wanting to give me an early on Christmas gift???

I adapted the recipe from Aunty Yochana's butter buns, as well as I added to a greater extent than sugar, yeast as well as slightly to a greater extent than butter to her dough recipe. These buns are made without softeners as well as improvers, thus practise non aspect it to hold upwards super pillowy soft(retail bakery breads). But they are soft, fifty-fifty for three days. And on the funny side, they sense of savor improve the side past times side day. Maybe it could hold upwards due to my fan oven, the surface assort of dries upwards a bit, as well as keeping it allows the wet from within to seep upwards as well as moistens the bread.

And I flora that egg white is my favourite glaze. Milk as well as whole eggs burns likewise easily, pure egg yolk is likewise golden for my taste. Egg white is the best!

500gm breadstuff flour/high poly peptide flour
100gm sugar
50gm milk powder

11gm yeast (1 sachet)
220ml water
1 big pinch of sugar
1 egg

85gm butter
1/2 tsp salt

1. Proof yeast amongst H2O as well as pinch of saccharide until mixture turns frothy.
2. Mix breadstuff flour, saccharide as well as milk pulverisation together. Make a good inwards the centre.
3. When (1) is ready, shell inwards 1 egg as well as pour into (2).
4. Knead dough for 10 minutes (15 past times hand)Dough should hold upwards smoothen past times now.
5. Knead inwards butter as well as salt. It feels rattling oily..Continue to knead for some other 10 minutes (15 past times hand)or until dough is rattling stretchable.
6. Shape dough into a ball as well as comprehend amongst cling wrap, leaving a modest hole past times the side. Or u tin give the sack house it inwards a pot as well as comprehend amongst a lid.
7. Leave to proof for 45 mins or until nigh triple (I won't telephone hollo upwards it double, aspect at the pic), or until u tin give the sack brand a dent inwards the dough that doesn't confine back.
8. Punch downwardly as well as knead for 1 minute. Divide into desired sizes as well as shape. Do non lay toppings at this stage.
9. After shaping allow proof for some other hr or until to a greater extent than than double. Brush amongst egg white. Put on desired topppings.
10. Preheat oven. Bake buns at 160C for 12 minutes, or loaves at 150C for twenty minutes.(My oven)

**** Maybe ur oven needs to bake at higher temperatures. Most recipes I run across telephone hollo upwards for breads to hold upwards baked at 200C or 180C. My oven burns my breadstuff at this temperature. U get got to experiment a flake here.

ve been trying to brand sweetness buns amongst sweetness as well as savoury fillings lately Love to Bake Sweet Bread & Buns

ve been trying to brand sweetness buns amongst sweetness as well as savoury fillings lately Love to Bake Sweet Bread & Buns

And here's a collection of my breadstuff making. You tin give the sack practise whatever patterns or role whatever fillings u fancy.

Sweet Raisin Bun Ring
-just added moistened raisins to the dough, made into half dozen 80gm buns as well as lay inwards a subway pan. Egg white glaze
ve been trying to brand sweetness buns amongst sweetness as well as savoury fillings lately Love to Bake Sweet Bread & Buns

ve been trying to brand sweetness buns amongst sweetness as well as savoury fillings lately Love to Bake Sweet Bread & Buns

ve been trying to brand sweetness buns amongst sweetness as well as savoury fillings lately Love to Bake Sweet Bread & Buns

Ham as well as Cheese Twist-just ham as well as cheese folded as well as twisted. egg white glaze.

ve been trying to brand sweetness buns amongst sweetness as well as savoury fillings lately Love to Bake Sweet Bread & Buns

Chilli Sausage Bun
-Mushroom jumbo sausages rolled into a slice of 60gm dough, cutting into four pieces, set out as well as garnished amongst chilli sauce as well as grated cheddar earlier baking. This was glazed amongst milk as well as whole egg. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 flake likewise golden hoh???

ve been trying to brand sweetness buns amongst sweetness as well as savoury fillings lately Love to Bake Sweet Bread & Buns

Ham as well as Cheese Spiral Loaf-Ham as well as cheese set out on a rectagular slice of dough, rolled upwards swiss gyre style. Laid inwards a subway pan to proof as well as bake at 150C for twenty mins. Egg white glaze.

ve been trying to brand sweetness buns amongst sweetness as well as savoury fillings lately Love to Bake Sweet Bread & Buns

Double Cheese Buns
-Cheddar on top, cream cheese inwards the middle

ve been trying to brand sweetness buns amongst sweetness as well as savoury fillings lately Love to Bake Sweet Bread & Buns

Cheese Plaits
-Grated cheddar mixed amongst some egg as well as sugar. Spread on transcend of plaited 60gm buns.
ve been trying to brand sweetness buns amongst sweetness as well as savoury fillings lately Love to Bake Sweet Bread & Buns

Cheese Buns
-Filled amongst Cheddar cheese, it makes a cave within equally it bakes

ve been trying to brand sweetness buns amongst sweetness as well as savoury fillings lately Love to Bake Sweet Bread & Buns

Sweet Cheddar Cheese Bun
-Cheddar cave inside, cheddar as well as saccharide topping.
ve been trying to brand sweetness buns amongst sweetness as well as savoury fillings lately Love to Bake Sweet Bread & Buns

Sausage roll
Roll 60gm dough into long strips as well as current of air unopen to thawed sausages.
ve been trying to brand sweetness buns amongst sweetness as well as savoury fillings lately Love to Bake Sweet Bread & Buns

I'm non going to bake anymore of these sweetness buns inwards close future.. been baking likewise much of these lately, a flake sick of it oredi. Hahahahaha!

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