Love To Bake Toothless Delight

 I was taught past times Auntie Siew Wah that this was called Toothless Delight Love to Bake Toothless Delight

 I was taught past times Auntie Siew Wah that this was called Toothless Delight Love to Bake Toothless Delight

Some telephone band this Kuih Sago, roughly telephone band this Kuih Telur Katak(frog eggs kuih)…. but when I learnt to brand this 17 years ago, I was taught past times Auntie Siew Wah that this was called Toothless Delight.

This is i of my eldest brother’s favourite affair from me, too therefore is to Bernice, too mayhap others that I practice non recollect (soweeeee..)

Ever since I learnt to brand this, I’ve never had exact measurements, I but laid upward it past times experience too taste.
This time, I got the exact proportions, too it’s genuinely rattling easy, iv parts water, two parts sago too 1 purpose sugar.

4 cups water
2 cups small-scale sago (or roughly telephone band them tapioca pearls)
1 loving cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
Some red/pink colouring
Freshly grated flesh of 1 coconut
Pinch of fine salt

Put H2O into a heavy based pot too convey H2O to a boil. Put inward sago. Stir gently until mixture thickens on med depression heat. You should encounter no to a greater extent than excess H2O inward the pot. Put inward saccharide too stir. Continue to stir until sago pearls are one-half transparent. Put inward nutrient colouring too vanilla pith too stir well. Turn off the oestrus too comprehend the pot. Leave aside to cool downwards a bit. While sago is cooling down, mix grated kokosnoot alongside tabular array salt too proceed aside until ready to use. When sago is warm, spoon teaspoonsful of sago mixture on to prepared grated coconut. Roll sago inward kokosnoot too milk tremble off excess coconut.

When kuih has totally cooled to room temperature, the sago is fully set.

If u desire to position sago into moulds to sort it, practice it acre it’s notwithstanding hot. Remember to moisture the moulds.

*** this makes quite a lot, unless u desire to feed a party, cutting the total past times half.

 I was taught past times Auntie Siew Wah that this was called Toothless Delight Love to Bake Toothless Delight

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