Love To Bake Chicken Amongst Reddish Dates Soup 红枣鸡汤

I convey a grandaunt who lived til she was  Love to Bake Chicken alongside Red Dates Soup 红枣鸡汤

I convey a grandaunt who lived til she was 96. She was the eldest sis of my paternal grandmother. My begetter together with I were babysat yesteryear her, thence were my father's siblings together with my siblings. So, she was really much involved inwards our lives.

She cooked our daily meals until.. she was.... 90. Well, she was a salubrious adult woman until that nifty ability disruption of 1997. Imagine her running subsequently us alongside a cane when she was 85. She could cross a busy route land on the agency to church building for Mother's solar daytime or Easter celebrations. Taking awards for beingness the oldest someone inwards church building for many many years.. **she was born on the same yr Kampar Chinese Methodist Church was established, 1903.

She was a disciplinarian, taking over the business office from my grandma who was busy making ends run into for the whole family. Everybody volition plough upwards for her big birthday, her ain grandchildren (lesser) together with us her niece, nephews, grand nieces together with grand nephews making upwards the majority. Her passing away brought much sorrow to our family... virtually of all to my minor ku cheh.. hehehe.

Memories of her remain.. We immature lady her cooking a lot. She could laid upwards many dishes that none of us could always recreate.

This soup is ane of it. My favourite soup from grandaunt.

Chicken together with Red Dates Soup Recipe


  • 400gm chicken (abt 1 quarter bird)
  • 15pcs reddish dates
  • 1.5L water
  • 1/2 tsp salt.


  1. Boil water.
  2. Remove pare from chicken.
  3. Hit reddish dates alongside the side of a cleaver together with take away seeds.
  4. Place chicken together with reddish dates into boiling H2O together with simmer for iii hours.
  5. When ready, flavour alongside salt. Pepper is non necessary.


I made this alongside a wearisome cooker, four hours on high. Heating upwards wearisome cooker, seat inwards chicken together with pitted reddish dates, thence pour inwards boiling water.

I convey a grandaunt who lived til she was  Love to Bake Chicken alongside Red Dates Soup 红枣鸡汤

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