Love To Bake Chicken Too Oyster Mushroom Soup 平菇鸡汤

 when I was nonetheless staying amongst my buddies after graduation Love to Bake Chicken together with Oyster Mushroom Soup 平菇鸡汤

This soup was created way dorsum inward 2001, when I was nonetheless staying amongst my buddies after graduation.

I never liked Chicken Rice Wine Soup, I similar it earlier the vino is added, exactly non after the wine. So, my grandaunt volition ever ladle out i bowl for me earlier she adds the wine. That was when I was a child.

Many many years later, I wanted to produce 'that pre vino chicken soup', together with at that topographic point were these mushrooms inward the refrigerator close going to larn rotten if I don't ready it soon. So, inward they went into the soup... together with it made it fifty-fifty to a greater extent than delicious. The grayness oyster mushrooms added an extra impact of sweetness to the soup..and it thickens the soup a bit.. lovely addition..

This soup has lots of ginger inward it, together with my married adult man is no fan of ginger... yet, he says it is good! Best taken on a mutual frigidity rainy day...

Chicken together with Oyster Mushroom Soup Recipe

1 chicken whole leg or ii thighs (cut small)
1 tsp salt

3/4 loving cup of ginger (roughly six inches), smashed amongst the dorsum of a cleaver. (If u similar to swallow ginger, past times all means, while it or julienne it)
2 tbsp oil
4 cups water

200 gm grayness oyster mushroom (torn to smaller pieces)

1. Marinate chicken pieces amongst tabular array salt for fifteen minutes.
2. Heat wok, fry ginger amongst stone oil until slightly golden.
3. Put inward marinated chicken together with stir fry for 3-4 minutes.
4. At this point, if you lot desire to discard around oil, you lot may produce so.
5. Pour inward H2O together with select to a boil. Simmer chicken soup on medium oestrus for 10 minutes.
6. Add inward oyster mushrooms together with simmer for around other iii minutes.
7. Taste together with house onto a bowl.
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