Love To Bake Java Chiffon Cake 咖啡戚风蛋糕

s been years since I concluding made Chiffon Cakes Love to Bake Coffee Chiffon Cake    咖啡戚风蛋糕

s been years since I concluding made Chiffon Cakes Love to Bake Coffee Chiffon Cake    咖啡戚风蛋糕

It's been years since I concluding made Chiffon Cakes. I know I ever say, I haven't been doing this or that for years.. as well as it's actually for years, since I went inwards Uni as well as solely until latterly afterward I had Lydia did I create as well as bake seriously again.

My get-go chiffon cake, a pandan chiffon cake was every bit a birthday cake for my Mom... agency dorsum inwards 1997. It was a concluding infinitesimal thingy.. I called upward my honey fren Kah Hoe for the recipe, as well as the cake was done inwards less than ii hours (shopping, baking, cooling, cutting)... as well as simply inwards fourth dimension for my mom to came dorsum from work.. She was actually happy! It was her favourite cake. It was overnice as well as fluffy. Luckily I saw her made it few years earlier that, if not, I don't intend I would've succeeded yesteryear get-go attempt.

I get got to say, I create non discovery making chiffon cakes difficult (compared to sponge cakes.. kill me man!!!). This recipe tin survive institute inwards Alex's Goh's Creative Making of Cakes. It's a rather fool proof recipe, provided, the egg whites survive beaten stiff, as well as I hateful existent stiff. Not simply passing the over the caput test, but the egg white peaks survive brusk as well as pointy. And it must survive good baked.

I intend I mightiness shipping pics of how to build Chiffon cakes inwards roughly time to come (I promise hubby's at that spot to get got pics)

I did a error here.. I lightly greased my subway pan... which resulted inwards a dome shaped chiffon cake, rounded at the top. Lydia's nanny, who's an avid baker, advised me non to grease it, every bit it needed the travelling pocket to ascension well. Ok.. I learnt my lesson here. She besides taught me to purpose three inwards 1 java mixes side yesteryear side time, every bit it gives it improve flavour. I volition essay to purpose Old Town three inwards 1 White Coffee side yesteryear side time... that's a overnice java mix.

This is what I did this time.. yous may modify it to whatever build of java u have, I altered the master recipe anyway.. kekeke, using milk instead of H2O as well as adding to a greater extent than carbohydrate to residual upward the bitter coffee.


v egg yolks
85 gm corn oil
115 ml hot milk
1 1/2 Tbsp instant Nescafe Gold
120gm sugar
150gm flour
1 tsp baking powder

v egg whites
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
90gm sugar


1. Dissolve java pulverization inwards hot milk. Leave to cool down.
2. Preheat oven to 180C.
3. Combine milk amongst the repose of ingredients (A) until it becomes a shine paste.
4. Beat egg whites until frothy. Add inwards cream of tartar as well as trounce until soft peaks.
5. Add inwards carbohydrate flake yesteryear flake as well as trounce egg whites until stiff.
6. Put inwards 1/4 of egg whites into (3) as well as crimp to combine.
7. Repeat pace 6.
8. Pour (7) into remaining egg whites as well as crimp to combine well.
9. Pour batter into build clean ungreased subway pan. Lightly milkshake pan left as well as correct to marker the cake.
10. Bake at 170C for xl minutes.
11. Immediately take from oven as well as plough cake upside downward on table. (cake volition sink if non done fast)
12. Leave cake to cool completely earlier dislodging from pan using a apartment knife. Cut amongst a precipitous knife.


I was rattling satisfied amongst the texture, springy as well as fluffy, but non amongst the aroma... **sigh**

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