Love To Bake Lyanne's Amount Moon

 cos her total Luna is during Chinese New Year's Day Love to Bake Lyanne's Full Moon

We didn't actually celebrate it this time.. cos her total Luna is during Chinese New Year. U know la, Chinese New Year's Day is hard to top away restaurants.

As for Lydia terminal time, nosotros had a luncheon reception inward Kampar, as well as a calendar week later, closed to other dinner inward Kuala Kangsar.

We didn't create the caput shaving matter or other chinese belief practices, equally nosotros believe that my missy is pure as well as construct clean fifty-fifty from the solar daytime she is born, no require then launder away the bad stuff.

Her life is inward Gods' hands as well as nosotros residue assured that God volition atomic number 82 the agency for her.

So, this time, I prepared gift packs to "reply" the gifts that were given to her yesteryear friends as well as family.
I didn't order, cos, I don't desire to forcefulness myself to deliver everything on the same day, plus, during CNY season, people may non hold upwards at home. And the ordered materials cannot hold upwards kept. So, if I get got extras, what to create amongst it? That's why I decided to DIY.

What's inward the box------- Pickled ginger, pickled papaya, ruby eggs, Angku agar-agar as well as cake (choc or sponge cups(2 pandan, two coffee, as well as two orange. The orangish ones shrunk, dunno why, simply yet tasted ok))

The pickled materials were prepared my my confinement lady before she went dorsum for CNY (she was off a calendar week earlier), as well as I didn't desire to lodge traditional angkus, equally they cannot hold upwards kept as well as I don't intend many people volition desire to consume them. Agar ones are better.

 cos her total Luna is during Chinese New Year's Day Love to Bake Lyanne's Full Moon

I started giving away the packs since the tertiary week, few days before CNY, similar my colleagues, equally I knew they'd hold upwards away for a week. And on the 1st solar daytime CNY I gave away gifts to friends as well as relatives on my side of the family, equally I went dorsum for CNY on solar daytime one. Hubbys' side by as well as large were given away two days b4 CNY. And yesteryear today, the terminal two packs, done! Why overdue? Cos I tin exclusively come across them today.

It may hold upwards fourth dimension consuming or tiring to create these materials DIY. KK is non a identify where I tin top away Ayamas or other shops to lodge total Luna gift packs. Altho at that spot are people taking orders here, simply it's troublesome for me inward the end, inward the number of delivering. I'd rather DIY, then that I tin accept my ain sweetness time.

Lyanne's been adept then far, feeding as well as sleeping well. Thank God!
And my confinement has come upwards to an end! Woohooo!!!!!!
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