Love To Bake Lydia's Birthday

Lasagna, Stock Fried Rice Vermicelli, Chicken Ham Sandwiches, Honey Chicken Wings, Pink Dragon Fruit Jelly, Tuna Patties, Caesar salad, Flower Pot Cakes, together with Ribena

Menu for tertiary party: (all adults, except Lydia)
Kerabu Bihun, Spaghetti Bolognese, Garlic Baked Potatoes, Coleslaw, Mango pudding, Honey Chicken Wings together with lime juice, together with of course, birthday cake! No exact excogitation yet on what cake to bake..

My immature lady volition move having her Cow One presently Love to Bake Lydia's Birthday

My immature lady volition move having her Cow One presently Love to Bake Lydia's Birthday
This was taken when she was merely xv days

I volition move posting abt her parties...

Btw.... I even together with hence dunno the sex of the bun inwards my oven.. it's 21 weeks now
Buat lebih berguna, kongsi: