Love To Bake Maggi Goreng (抄maggi 面)

 many build names bring turned to instruct generic names Love to Bake Maggi Goreng     (抄Maggi 面)

In Malaysia, many build names bring turned to instruct generic names..

Diapers ... Pampers
Correction fluid... Liquid Paper
Photostat.... Xerox
Plastic containers.... Tupperware

and instant noodles are called Maggi noodles.. Maggi Meen inwards Cantonese, too real curly pilus is called Maggi hair

So, if i is ordering maggi goreng (fried instant noodles) at the mamak(Indian Muslim) eateries, sometimes, it may live noodles of another brand... well, no ask to live at mamak... fifty-fifty at home.. Maggi Meen la!!!

Different mamak shops volition bring dissimilar versions of maggi goreng.. too I cruel inwards honey alongside the get-go version I came across from a mamak store called Mubaruk inwards Kampar. My friends too I used to operate to this store afterward our Girls' Brigade meetings on saturday mornings.. so, this noodle dish course of report of reminds me of the skillful onetime times. I watched the mamak guy laid upward I copied it.. hehehe

1 parcel of instant noodles (curry flavour)
1 Tbsp sliced onion
2 Tbsp sliced tomato
1 stem choy meat (cut curt lengths)
1 egg
2 Tbsp oil

1. Boil a saucepan of H2O too laid upward noodles until simply soft (it'll yet retain it's foursquare shape). Cut noodle cake inwards half.
2. Heat wok too seat inwards oil.
3. Fry onion until softened, seat inwards tomato, pocket-size fry until fragrant (it'll plough mushy)
4. Put inwards choy meat too stir.
5. Put inwards cooked noodles too stir well.
6. Sprinkle inwards seasoning from noodle pack. Stir well.
7. Push noodles to the side of wok too interruption inwards an egg. Stir too force noodles dorsum onto egg.
8. Stir too toss for 1-2 minutes, until noodle becomes real fragrant.

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