Chinese Scallion Pancakes – Happy Novel Year, Dog!

Happy Chinese New Year! It’s the Year of the Dog (and non the Manatee), too to celebrate I idea I’d present you lot my accept on Chinese scallion pancakes. These fun-to-make flatbreads are a mutual fixture on menus some here, too spell they all characteristic the same few ingredients, they come upwards inwards a diverseness of thicknesses, which actually affects the texture.

The thinner you lot brand these, the crispier they’ll be, but you lot won’t larn that nice, layered, oniony inside. On the other hand, if you lot brand them every bit good thick, they tin live a fiddling doughy inside, too thence I crusade to shoot for something inwards between. Speaking of inside, experience costless to add together pepper flakes or other appropriate embellishments earlier you lot curlicue these up.

Ideally, you lot exit the dough overnight earlier using, but I’ve ever had bully results alongside merely a duo hours residual on the counter. If you lot utilization exit overnight, you’ll belike larn a amend flavor, too mayhap texture, but the dough volition live to a greater extent than elastic, too slightly to a greater extent than hard to operate with.

As far every bit the dipping sauce goes, I similar to mix equal parts seasoned rice vinegar, too soy sauce, flavored alongside a shot of hot sauce, too mayhap grating of fresh ginger. Toss inwards a few sliced light-green onions, too you’ll guide keep yourself a really basic, but perfect condiment for these savory pancakes. Regardless of how you lot serve them, I actually promise you lot give these a crusade soon. Enjoy, too gung hay fatty choy!

Ingredients for ii Chinese Scallion Pancakes:
one bunch light-green onions, generally light-green parts, sliced thinly
For the dough:
2 cups breadstuff or all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
3/4 loving cup hot water
- conform alongside to a greater extent than flour or H2O to cast a smooth, but gummy dough
For the crude mixture:
3 tablespoon veg oil
2 teaspoons sesame crude
1 tablespoon addition 1 teaspoon flour

- serve alongside dipping sauce, every bit described inwards the spider web log post
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