Portuguese Custard Tarts – The Hieronymites Got This Right

I’ve made custard tarts before, but never the world-famous Portuguese custard tarts, too I’m thrilled to study the results were shockingly good. This actually was 1 of the best pastries I’ve always enjoyed, custard or otherwise. 

Which is a adept thing, since they attain postulate a fleck of drive to produce. The recipe itself is simple, using simply a few basic ingredients, but at that spot are numerous steps, too a sure enough sum of finesse is required, but the results are thus worth it. After watching a few dozen videos on the technique, I decided to essay out the brusk cutting version first, which uses frozen store-bought puff pastry. The results were non good. Since puff pastry is leavened amongst yeast, too contains thus many to a greater extent than layers of butter too dough, my crust turned out also thick, too gummy, too wasn’t near equally sparse too crispy equally it should’ve been. It may bring been my technique, but officially I’m blaming the dough.

So too thus I attempted an “authentic” dough recipe from scratch, which was infinitely better. It’s a footling tricky to function with, since the dough is real sticky, but I intend that’s 1 of the keys here. Seems similar the extra wet inwards the dough, which is activated past times the real hot oven, is what creates the signature flaky, crispy texture.

As far equally the custard goes, it’s a relatively uncomplicated procedure, too nosotros fifty-fifty streamlined 1 of the steps. You’ll bring to create upwards one's hear whether you’re going to include lemon, cinnamon, too vanilla, which are plainly considered optional ingredients inwards Portugal, but I actually savour the flavor, too wouldn’t alter a thing. Regardless of what you lot create upwards one's hear to add, or non add together to yours, similar I said inwards the video, these should hold upwards on everyone’s baking bucket list. So, I actually attain promise you lot range them a essay out soon. Enjoy!

For the dough:
1 loving cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1/3 loving cup mutual depression temperature water
Note: adapt amongst to a greater extent than flour or H2O to attain what’s shown inwards the video
1 stick (4 ounces) real soft, high-quality unsalted butter

For the carbohydrate syrup:
3/4 loving cup white sugar
1/4 loving cup summation 1 tablespoon water
1 cinnamon stick (or 1/4 teaspoon ground)
zest from 1 lemon

For the custard base:
1/3 loving cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 1/2 cups milk
6 large egg yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

- Bake tarts at 550 F. for 12 minutes or until the pastry is browned too bubbly, too the tops start to blister too caramelize.
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