Poutine – You'll Ruin French Fries In Addition To Similar It

As the erstwhile joke goes, it takes a lot of fourth dimension as well as endeavour to brand poutine, precisely at to the lowest degree when you’re in conclusion done y'all larn to consume soggy fries. And, what incredibly delicious, soggy fries they are. 

Once y'all larn past times the fact that this is how they’re supposed to be, y'all tin post away focus on the overall awesomeness of the dish, particularly the rich, freshly made beef gravy featured herein.

I realize well-nigh y'all won’t genuinely exercise this gravy to brand poutine, which is totally fine past times me, since this is hence good, on hence many other things. While I don’t own got whatsoever occupation amongst y'all buying the cheese curds, or using frozen fries, I genuinely arrive at promise y'all brand the sauce from scratch, every minute it is profoundly improve than anything from the store.

I should refer that none of the “authentic” poutines I’ve had included chunks of beef inward the gravy, precisely I genuinely bask the extra meatiness, as well as this means everyone knows nosotros made it from scratch. By the way, if you’re of the vegetarian persuasion, unopen to severely caramelized mushrooms, as well as a decent vegetable stock (which I yet demand to arrive at a video for), volition create a perfectly fine version. Either way, I genuinely arrive at promise y'all laissez passer on this a essay soon…at to the lowest degree the beef gravy. Enjoy!

For the Beef Gravy:
1 tablespoon vegetable stone oil or lard
1 to 1 1/2 pounds boneless beef brusque rib, chuck, or brisket, chopped
4 tablespoons butter
1 loving cup diced onions (you tin post away likewise add together unopen to garlic if y'all want)
salt, freshly terra firma dark pepper, as well as cayenne to taste
1/3 loving cup all-purpose flour
4 cups homemade beef broth, or a low-sodium, all-natural prepared broth
fresh chives to garnish

For the Fries: click hither for video

For the Cheese Curds: click hither for video
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