Learn As Well As Spotter Teachers Demand To Google+ Video Hangouts

November 16, 2015
It's been almost 3 years since the publication of our Google Hangouts guide for teachers. Since then, many interesting features induce got been added to Hangouts the concluding of which is the introduction of a novel interface. In today's post, nosotros are revisiting Hangouts features amongst a focus on how to exercise video Hangouts.  As a teacher, y'all tin give the axe utilisation video Hangouts amongst students to stand upward for online discussions, interact in addition to part learning resources. You tin give the axe also utilisation it for a diversity of professional person evolution purposes amongst peers in addition to educators from all only about the globe.  By the goal of this guide, y'all volition know how to :
  • Start a video Hangouts
  • Invite people to your Hangouts via both emails in addition to telephone calls
  • Share the content of your concealment amongst others inwards a video Hangouts
  • Share in addition to picket YouTube videos amongst your video telephone telephone participants
  • Add apps to heighten your Hangouts performance
  • Share links in addition to files using text chat.
1- Hangouts Plugin
For those of y'all using accounts that exercise non goal inwards @gmail.com, y'all volition demand to install this costless Hangouts Plugin. The installation takes solely a few seconds in addition to volition enable y'all to induce got phonation in addition to video conversations from your computer.

2- Start a Hangouts video call

Before y'all kickoff your video telephone telephone brand certain y'all camera, microphone in addition to speakers are connected in addition to working properly. Open Hangouts inwards your browser in addition to click on the video telephone telephone icon in addition to permit Hangouts to access your video in addition to microphone.

3- Invite people to your video call
Hangouts permit y'all to invite upward to ix people to your video calls. To exercise so, click on the Invite icon at the overstep of the video telephone telephone window in addition to type inwards your invitees electronic mail addresses or search for them past times name. You tin give the axe also re-create the generated link of your video telephone telephone in addition to part it amongst others via email.

4- Invite telephone participants to your Hangout
You tin give the axe invite people to your Hangouts using their mobile or landline numbers in addition to they volition move able to participate without the demand for having a camera. To exercise so, inwards the same window where y'all are asked to type inwards electronic mail addresses(see 3 above), click on the dialpad icon in addition to move into your invitee’s telephone release in addition to click on ‘call’. Learn to a greater extent than well-nigh Phone calls inwards Hangouts from this page.

5- Screensharing on Google Hangouts
This characteristic allows y'all to part your calculator concealment inwards your video call. This is peculiarly useful for doing tutorials in addition to instructional videos. To kickoff screensharing click on the Screenshare icon on the left-hand side of your video telephone telephone window. Then select the concealment y'all desire to part in addition to click ’Share’.

6- YouTube inwards Hangouts
You tin give the axe part in addition to picket YouTube videos amongst others inwards your video Hangouts using the YouTube app. You tin give the axe access the YouTube app on the left-hand side of your video telephone telephone window. If the app is non listed y'all volition induce got to add together it using steps inwards tip vii below.
Once y'all access YouTube app, y'all tin give the axe in addition to then search for videos y'all desire to picket amongst your invitees past times clicking on the ‘Add videos to playlist’ button. And piece they tin give the axe run into the same video in addition to playlist y'all are playing, they won’t move able to run into your search queries in addition to results.

7- Adding apps to Hangouts
Apps are a cracking means to heighten your Hangouts productivity past times providing y'all access to a broad gain of functionalities that include: creating documents, playing games, adding fun effects in addition to many more. To add together apps, click on the to a greater extent than icon on the left-hand side of your video telephone telephone window in addition to select ‘Add apps’. Browse through the apps featured inwards the ‘featured’ or ‘recent’ tabs in addition to alternative out the ones y'all desire to add.

8- Share links in addition to files through Hangouts chat
Using the Hangout chat conversation characteristic volition enable y'all to part textual content amongst your video telephone telephone participants. You can, for instance, part links to websites, URLs of videos , files in addition to many to a greater extent than piece on your video Hangout. To kickoff a chat conversation, click on the Chat icon on the left-hand side of your video telephone telephone window in addition to then type inwards your message or glue the link to part amongst others.

Source: Hangouts Help.

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