Learn As Well As Lookout Adult Man An Slow To Purpose Tool To Practise Interactive Videos For Your Class

September 25, 2015
Zaption is a spider web tool together with mobile app that enables y'all to practice interactive video lessons. You tin flame role videos from YouTube or Vimeo  and add together to them a broad multifariousness of interactive features to convey life to them. Add text, images, quizzes, polls together with practice an ongoing give-and-take or then video content. Similar to MoocNote and videonot.es, Zaption is also ideal for flipped classroom.

Some of the primary features provided past times Zaption  includes: H5N1 gallery of ready-to-use video lessons on almost whatever topic,; add together images, text, together with questions to whatever online video, creating interactive lessons that run across your learners’ needs; percentage video lessons alongside a uncomplicated link, or embed direct inwards your LMS, blog, or website; acquire actionable information on personal responses from learners alongside award-winning analytics; together with directly mensurate agreement together with differentiate instruction.

The basic version of Zaption is gratis only comes alongside a rattling express laid of features, the premium version provides to a greater extent than advanced features. Watch the video below to larn to a greater extent than almost Zaption.

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