Learn As Well As Picket A Wonderful App For Remotely Controlling Your Presentations

June 22, 2015
Slides from de Mobo is a rattling skillful app that allows y'all to remotely command your presentations using your iOS or Android device. Slides plant best amongst presentations on Google Drive, Prezi, Slideshare, Scribd, Speakerdeck in addition to Issuu. To last able to role the app, y'all volition need to accept both your holler upwards in addition to your figurer nether the same WiFi network.

The agency Slides plant is pretty basic: Download the app ( for Android or iOS ) to your holler upwards in addition to in 1 lawsuit installed y'all opened upwards it up. Under the setting menu, click on ‘connect to computer’, an alphanumerical  code volition last generated for you. Head over to demobo.com/slides in addition to type the code inwards the input box subsequently which a connector betwixt the holler upwards in addition to figurer volition last established. H5N1 visual representative of this procedure is provided inwards the video below.

Slides app every bit good includes a timer every bit good every bit a diversity of transitions to choose from. Other features provided past times the app include: Fullscreen complaint viewer past times tap/holding complaint (single tap to exit); YouTube playback past times tapping YouTube thumbnail; in addition to to a greater extent than transitions in addition to animations. Watch the video below to larn to a greater extent than almost Slides.

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