Learn In Addition To Picket The Viii Digital Literacy Practices Required For 21St Century Learners

Theoretically speaking, digital literacy is a concept that is inward constant flux. It is perpetually shifting too expanding to include novel practices too skills afforded yesteryear novel emerging technologies. In their first-class volume "Understanding Digital Literacies: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Practical Introduction", authors Jones too Hafner render a detailed analysis of what it agency to hold out a digitally literate inward the lite of the social media revolution too the widespread of spider web 2.0 technologies. As I was perusing it today, I came across this department inward chapter ane where the authors verbalise virtually the dissimilar digital literacy practices that are required to thrive inward this digitally-focused era.

Here is a quick overview of these practices:
  • The mightiness to chop-chop search though too evaluate bang-up masses of information.
  •  The mightiness to do coherent reading pathways through complex collections of linked texts.
  •  The mightiness to chop-chop brand connections betwixt widely disparate ideas too domains of experience.
  •  The mightiness to shoot too edit digital photos too video. 
  • The mightiness to do multimodal documents that combine words, graphics, video too audio.
  • The mightiness to do too keep dynamic online profiles too handle large too complex online social networks.
  •  The mightiness to explore too navigate online worlds too to interact inward virtual environments.
  •  The mightiness to protect one’s personal information from beingness misused yesteryear others. (Kindle Loc. 262)

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