Learn Together With Scout Four Powerful Tools From Google To Instruct Kids Coding

January, 2015
Coding is becoming 1 of the essential literacies inwards the 21st century education. There is a growing demand instantly for teaching students how to code. In his wonderful TED beak titled "Let's instruct kids to code", Scientist Mitch Resnick made this beautiful analogy :
When kids larn to code , it enables them to larn many other things, opens upwardly many novel opportunities for learning. It's useful to brand an analogy to reading in addition to writing, when yous larn to read in addition to write it opens upwardly opportunities for yous to larn thus many other things, when yous larn to read yous tin thus read to learn, which is the same matter amongst coding, if yous larn to code yous tin code to learn.

Coding helps kids railroad train a diverseness of skills. Some of these skills include:

  • It helps kids larn inwards meaningful context
  • It teaches them that learning is a procedure in addition to non a product
  • It teaches them how to cause got complex ideas in addition to suspension them downward into simpler parts
  • It teaches them how to collaborate amongst others 
  • It also teaches them how to proceed persistent in addition to persevere inwards the confront of frustration when things are non working well
  • it teaches decision in addition to risk-taking
  • It helps them expire fluent amongst technologies in addition to enable them to opened upwardly opened upwardly in addition to limited their ideas.
  • It helps them last creative 
  • It helps them interact amongst the the world some them

There are several spider web tools in addition to mobile apps that teachers in addition to parents tin operate  to instruct their kids coding. I cause got already covered some of the major ones inwards previous posts. Today, I am sharing amongst yous some other listing of powerful coding tools only this fourth dimension all of these tools are from Google for Education.

1- Code Gym

H5N1 Google-supported opened upwardly rootage coding laboratory using drawing, music in addition to creative fiction to innovate coding concepts


Shaped-based coding surroundings introducing immature programmers to primal coding concepts in addition to challenges.

3-Made amongst Code

Coding is the novel literacy - it carries the potential to create, to innovate, in addition to quite literally alter the world. This inaugural is designed to inspire millions of girls to sense the ability of code.

4- MIT App Inventor

Create your ain Android app amongst this slowly to operate tool! Learn how to programme amongst a drag in addition to drib interface appropriate for middle schoolhouse in addition to up.

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