Learn Too Spotter A Corking Educational Tool For Both Flipped Too Blended Classrooms

October 8, 2015
The Answer Pad is an interesting educational platform for teachers. It combines 2 powerful functionalities: it is both a pupil response arrangement in addition to a grading solution for your quizzes. It is an ideal tool for engaging students inward a flipped or blended learning classroom.

As a teacher, you lot tin sack utilisation Interactive to straight involve students inward their learning past times providing them alongside an outlet through which they tin sack exhibit what they know. Students-generated feedback is a swell root of information to inform in addition to conduct your teaching in addition to also makes you lot aware of areas that bespeak to a greater extent than piece of job .

As a grading tool, you lot tin sack utilisation The Answer Pad to transition from newspaper to digital assessment.’ Set upward an electronic reply canvass for your newspaper examination on-line, using whatever of the 8 dissimilar query types. Students tin sack also utilisation a scratch pad to exhibit their work. With a built-in, robust reporting arrangement for item analysis, the Answer Pad offers reports past times skill, past times class, in addition to past times student. Teachers tin sack sentiment the scratch pad showing the pupil work. In addition, schoolhouse in addition to district implementations are available for aggregate reporting.’

The Answer Pad is available for the web, Android and iPad.

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