Learn As Well As Lookout Adult Man Iv Steps For A Improve Integration Of Technology Inwards Teaching

November 14, 2014
In an before post service nosotros shared hither a few months ago, nosotros talked most the differences betwixt engineering role in addition to engineering integration in addition to nosotros argued that integrating engineering inwards pedagogy is a principled procedure that requires deep in addition to reflective thinking most the whys behind such integration every bit good every bit  the learning outcomes expected from such integration.

The visual nosotros convey for you lot today volition assistance you lot to improve integrate engineering inwards your classroom projects. This visual, created yesteryear UBC Learning Commons, outlines the basic steps inwards the procedure of integrating engineering inwards your class. The offset footstep inwards this procedure is to position the requirements of the projection for which you lot desire to role technology. Then comes the stage where you lot demand to watch the skills you lot own or planning to railroad train to demeanour out this digital task. The 3rd stage is where you lot start looking for the specific technological tool to role in addition to the concluding footstep is most finding resources.

You tin also scout this video to larn to a greater extent than most the aforementioned steps. Enjoy

Here is the visual from UBC Learning Commons
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